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Unity alters my launch images
It seems that Unity alters the launch images I have selected for my xcode project (for ios). I saved them in a Resources/Textures folder. How can I prevent Unity from degrading the quality of those images, who then look horrible on a retina device?
Answer by supernat · May 26, 2014 at 05:00 AM
I believe I had this problem in the past. Click the texture in your Project folder, and in the inspector select Advanced for the texture type, remove the MIP Map creation option, and make sure the max texture size is 2048x2048.
This improved, but the images are still slightly altered. I would have upvoted but can't yet... I leave the question as unanswered though. Thanks for your help.
Oh also set to non power of two. And make sure the texture max size is set for ios, not just the default.
It worked with "non power of two" set to "none" and increasing the max size. Thx