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Shooting script problem
I have a script to make a gun shoot,reload and stuff, but it gives an error:
MissingReferenceException: The object of type 'Transform' has been destroyed but you are still trying to access it. Your script should either check if it is null or you should not destroy the object. UnityEngine.Transform.get_position () (at C:/BuildAgent/work/812c4f5049264fad/Runtime/ExportGenerated/Editor/UnityEngineTransform.cs:19) Gun.EjectShell () (at Assets/Weapons/Scripts/Gun.cs:481) Gun.ShotGun_Fire () (at Assets/Weapons/Scripts/Gun.cs:311) Gun.Update () (at Assets/Weapons/Scripts/Gun.cs:106)
What should I do?(I'm not good at scripting) here's the script:
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Gun : MonoBehaviour { public enum weaponType { Shotgun, Machinegun, Burst, Launcher }; // use burst for single shot weapons like pistols / sniper rifles public weaponType typeOfGun;
public enum LauncherType { Grenade, Rocket }; // Type of launcher
public LauncherType typeOfLauncher;
public enum BulletType { Physical, Raycast }; // physical bullets of raycasts
public BulletType typeOfBullet;
// basic weapon variables all guns have in common
// Objects, effects and tracers
public GameObject bullet = null; // the weapons bullet object
public GameObject grenade = null; // the grenade style round... this can also be used for arrows or similar rounds
public GameObject rocket = null; // the rocket round
public Renderer muzzleFlash = null; // the muzzle flash for this weapon
public Light lightFlash = null; // the light flash for this weapon
public Transform muzzlePoint = null; // the muzzle point of this weapon
public Transform ejectPoint = null; // the ejection point
public Transform mountPoint = null; // the mount point.... more for weapon swapping then anything
public Rigidbody shell = null; // the weapons empty shell object
public GameObject gunOwner = null; // the gun owner
public GameObject mainCamera = null; // the player's main camera
public GameObject weaponCamera = null; // this weapon's camera
public GameObject impactEffect = null; // impact effect, used for raycast bullet types
public GameObject bulletHole = null; // bullet hole for raycast bullet types
public GameObject weaponTarget = null;
//Machinegun Vars
private bool isFiring = false; // is the machine gun firing? used for decreasing accuracy while sustaining fire
//Shotgun Specific Vars
public int pelletsPerShot = 10; // number of pellets per round fired for the shotgun
//Burst Specific Vars
public int roundsPerBurst = 3; // number of rounds per burst fire
public float lagBetweenShots = 0.5f; // time between each shot in a burst
//Launcher Specific Vars
// basic stats
public int range = 300; // range for raycast bullets... bulletType = Ray
public float damage = 20.0f; // bullet damage
public float maxPenetration = 3.0f; // how many impacts the bullet can survive
public float fireRate = 0.5f; // how fast the gun shoots... time between shots can be fired
public int impactForce = 50; // how much force applied to a rigid body
public float bulletSpeed = 200.0f; // how fast are your bullets
public int bulletsPerClip = 50; // number of bullets in each clip
public int numberOfClips = 5; // number of clips you start with
public int maxNumberOfClips = 10; // maximum number of clips you can hold
private int bulletsLeft; // bullets in the gun-- current clip
public float baseSpread = 1.0f; // how accurate the weapon starts out... smaller the number the more accurate
public float maxSpread = 4.0f; // maximum inaccuracy for the weapon
public float spreadPerSecond = 0.2f; // if trigger held down, increase the spread of bullets
public float spread = 0.0f; // current spread of the gun
public float decreaseSpreadPerSec = 0.5f;// amount of accuracy regained per frame when the gun isn't being fired
public float reloadTime = 1.0f; // time it takes to reload the weapon
private bool isReloading = false; // am I in the process of reloading
// used for tracer rendering
public int shotsFired = 0; // shots fired since last tracer round
public int roundsPerTracer = 1; // number of rounds per tracer
private int m_LastFrameShot = -1; // last frame a shot was fired
private float nextFireTime = 0.0f; // able to fire again on this frame
private float[] bulletInfo = new float[6];// all of the info sent to a fired bullet
//Network Parts ...yeah
bool localPlayer = true; //set to false // Am I a local player... or networked
string localPlayerName = ""; // what's my name
//Transform myTrans; // my transform
// Setting up variables as soon as a level starts
void Start()
//myTrans = transform;
bulletsLeft = bulletsPerClip; // load gun on startup
//localPlayerName = PlayerPrefs.GetString("playerName"); // get the name of the player
// check whats the player is doing every frame
bool Update()
if (!localPlayer)
return false; // if not the local player.... exit function
// Did the user press fire.... and what kind of weapon are they using ? ===============
switch (typeOfGun)
case weaponType.Shotgun:
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
//Debug.Log("Shotgun Fire Called");
ShotGun_Fire(); // fire shotgun
case weaponType.Machinegun:
if (Input.GetButton("Fire1"))
MachineGun_Fire(); // fire machine gun
case weaponType.Burst:
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
StartCoroutine("Burst_Fire"); // fire off a burst of rounds
case weaponType.Launcher:
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
if (Input.GetButton("Fire2"))
if (weaponCamera)
weaponCamera.camera.enabled = true;
mainCamera.camera.enabled = false;
weaponCamera.camera.enabled = false;
mainCamera.camera.enabled = true;
//used to decrease weapon accuracy as long as the trigger remains down =====================
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
isFiring = true; // fire is down, gun is firing
if (Input.GetButtonUp("Fire1"))
isFiring = false; // if fire is up... gun is not firing
if (isFiring) // if the gun is firing
spread += spreadPerSecond; // gun is less accurate with the trigger held down
spread -= decreaseSpreadPerSec; // gun regains accuracy when trigger is released
return true;
// update weapon flashes after checking user inout in update function
void LateUpdate()
if (muzzleFlash || lightFlash) // need to have a muzzle or light flash in order to enable or disable them
// We shot this frame, enable the muzzle flash
if (m_LastFrameShot == Time.frameCount)
muzzleFlash.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(Random.value * 57.3f, Vector3.forward);
muzzleFlash.enabled = true;// enable the muzzle and light flashes
lightFlash.enabled = true;
muzzleFlash.enabled = false; // disable the light and muzzle flashes
lightFlash.enabled = false;
if (spread >= maxSpread)
spread = maxSpread; //if current spread is greater then max... set to max
if (spread <= baseSpread)
spread = baseSpread; //if current spread is less then base, set to base
// fire the machine gun
void MachineGun_Fire()
if (bulletsLeft <= 0)
// If there is more than one bullet between the last and this frame
// Reset the nextFireTime
if (Time.time - fireRate > nextFireTime)
nextFireTime = Time.time - Time.deltaTime;
// Keep firing until we used up the fire time
while (nextFireTime < Time.time)
switch (typeOfBullet)
case BulletType.Physical:
StartCoroutine("FireOneShot"); // fire a physical bullet
case BulletType.Raycast:
StartCoroutine("FireOneRay"); // fire a raycast.... change to FireOneRay
Debug.Log("error in bullet type");
nextFireTime += fireRate;
// fire the burst rifle
IEnumerator Burst_Fire()
int shotCounter = 0;
if (bulletsLeft <= 0)
yield break;//return;
// If there is more than one bullet between the last and this frame
// Reset the nextFireTime
if (Time.time - fireRate > nextFireTime)
nextFireTime = Time.time - Time.deltaTime;
// Keep firing until we used up the fire time
while (nextFireTime < Time.time)
while (shotCounter < roundsPerBurst)
//Debug.Log(" shotCounter = " + shotCounter + ", roundsPerBurst = "+roundsPerBurst);
switch (typeOfBullet)
case BulletType.Physical:
StartCoroutine("FireOneShot"); // fire a physical bullet
case BulletType.Raycast:
StartCoroutine("FireOneRay"); // fire a raycast.... change to FireOneRay
Debug.Log("error in bullet type");
//Debug.Log("FireOneShot Called in Fire function.");
bulletsLeft--; // subtract a bullet
yield return new WaitForSeconds(lagBetweenShots);
nextFireTime += fireRate;
// fire the shotgun
void ShotGun_Fire()
int pelletCounter = 0; // counter used for pellets per round
if (bulletsLeft == 0)
StartCoroutine("reload"); // if out of ammo, reload
// If there is more than one bullet between the last and this frame
// Reset the nextFireTime
if (Time.time - fireRate > nextFireTime)
nextFireTime = Time.time - Time.deltaTime;
// Keep firing until we used up the fire time
while (nextFireTime < Time.time)
switch (typeOfBullet)
case BulletType.Physical:
StartCoroutine("FireOneShot"); // fire a physical bullet
case BulletType.Raycast:
StartCoroutine("FireOneRay"); // fire a raycast.... change to FireOneRay
Debug.Log("error in bullet type");
pelletCounter++; // add another pellet
shotsFired++; // another shot was fired
} while (pelletCounter < pelletsPerShot); // if number of pellets fired is less then pellets per round... fire more pellets
EjectShell(); // eject 1 shell
nextFireTime += fireRate; // can fire another shot in "firerate" number of frames
bulletsLeft--; // subtract a bullet
// fire your launcher
void Launcher_Fire()
if (bulletsLeft == 0)
StartCoroutine("reload"); // if out of ammo, reload
// If there is more than one bullet between the last and this frame
// Reset the nextFireTime
if (Time.time - fireRate > nextFireTime)
nextFireTime = Time.time - Time.deltaTime;
// Keep firing until we used up the fire time
while (nextFireTime < Time.time)
StartCoroutine("FireOneProjectile"); // fire 1 round
nextFireTime += fireRate; // can fire another shot in "firerate" number of frames
bulletsLeft--; // subtract a bullet
// Create and fire a bullet
IEnumerator FireOneShot()
Vector3 position = muzzlePoint.position; // position to spawn bullet is at the muzzle point of the gun
// set the gun's info into an array to send to the bullet
bulletInfo[0] = damage;
bulletInfo[1] = impactForce;
bulletInfo[2] = maxPenetration;
bulletInfo[3] = maxSpread;
bulletInfo[4] = spread;
bulletInfo[5] = bulletSpeed;
//bullet info is set up in start function
GameObject newBullet = Instantiate(bullet, position, transform.parent.rotation) as GameObject; // create a bullet
newBullet.SendMessageUpwards("SetUp", bulletInfo); // send the gun's info to the bullet
newBullet.GetComponent<Bullet>().Owner = gunOwner; // owner of the bullet is this gun's owner object
if (!(typeOfGun == weaponType.Launcher))
if (shotsFired >= roundsPerTracer) // tracer round every so many rounds fired... is there a tracer this round fired?
newBullet.renderer.enabled = true; // turn on tracer effect
shotsFired = 0; // reset tracer counter
newBullet.renderer.enabled = false; // turn off tracer effect
if (audio)
audio.Play(); // if there is a gun shot sound....play it
if ((bulletsLeft == 0))
StartCoroutine("reload"); // if out of bullets.... reload
yield break;
// Register that we shot this frame,
// so that the LateUpdate function enabled the muzzleflash renderer for one frame
m_LastFrameShot = Time.frameCount;
// Create and Fire a raycast
IEnumerator FireOneRay()
string[] Info = new string[2];
int hitCount = 0;
bool tracerWasFired = false;
Vector3 position = muzzlePoint.position; // position to spawn bullet is at the muzzle point of the gun
Vector3 direction = muzzlePoint.TransformDirection(Random.Range(-maxSpread, maxSpread) * spread, Random.Range(-maxSpread, maxSpread) * spread, 1);
Vector3 dir = (weaponTarget.transform.position - position) + direction;
// set the gun's info into an array to send to the bullet
bulletInfo[0] = damage;
bulletInfo[1] = impactForce;
bulletInfo[2] = maxPenetration;
bulletInfo[3] = maxSpread;
bulletInfo[4] = spread;
bulletInfo[5] = bulletSpeed;
if (shotsFired >= roundsPerTracer)
shotsFired = 0;
tracerWasFired = true;
RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(position , dir, range);
for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length; i++)
if (hitCount >= maxPenetration)
yield break;
RaycastHit hit = hits[i];
//Debug.Log( "Bullet hit " + hit.collider.gameObject.name + " at " + hit.point.ToString() );
// notify hit
if (!tracerWasFired)
{ // tracers are set to show impact effects... we dont want to show more then 1 per bullet fired
ShowHits(hit); // show impacts effects if no tracer was fired this round
Info[0] = localPlayerName;
Info[1] = damage.ToString();
hit.collider.SendMessageUpwards("ImHit", Info, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
// Debug.Log("if " + hitCount + " > " + maxHits + " then destroy bullet...");
// Create and Fire 1 launcher projectile
IEnumerator FireOneProjectile()
Vector3 position = muzzlePoint.position; // position to spawn rocket / grenade is at the muzzle point of the gun
bulletInfo[0] = damage;
bulletInfo[1] = impactForce;
bulletInfo[2] = maxPenetration;
bulletInfo[3] = maxSpread;
bulletInfo[4] = spread;
bulletInfo[5] = bulletSpeed;
switch (typeOfLauncher)
case LauncherType.Grenade:
GameObject newNoobTube = Instantiate(grenade, position, transform.parent.rotation) as GameObject;
newNoobTube.SendMessageUpwards("SetUp", bulletInfo);
case LauncherType.Rocket:
GameObject newRocket = Instantiate(rocket, position, transform.parent.rotation) as GameObject;
newRocket.SendMessageUpwards("SetUp", bulletInfo);
Debug.Log("invalid launcher type.... default fired");
if (audio)
audio.Play(); // if there is a gun shot sound....play it
if ((bulletsLeft == 0))
StartCoroutine("reload"); // if out of bullets.... reload
yield break;
// Register that we shot this frame,
// so that the LateUpdate function enabled the muzzleflash renderer for one frame
m_LastFrameShot = Time.frameCount;
// create and "fire" an empty shell
void EjectShell()
Vector3 position = ejectPoint.position; // ejectile spawn point at gun's ejection point
if (shell)
Rigidbody newShell = Instantiate(shell, position, transform.parent.rotation) as Rigidbody; // create empty shell
//give ejectile a slightly random ejection velocity and direction
newShell.velocity = transform.TransformDirection(Random.Range(-2, 2) - 3.0f, Random.Range(-1, 2) + 3.0f, -Random.Range(-2, 2) + 1.0f);
// tracer rounds for raycast bullets
void FireOneTracer(float[] info)
Vector3 position = muzzlePoint.position;
GameObject newTracer = Instantiate(bullet, position, transform.parent.rotation) as GameObject; // create a bullet
newTracer.SendMessageUpwards("SetUp", info); // send the gun's info to the bullet
newTracer.SendMessageUpwards("SetTracer"); // tell the bullet it is only a tracer
//effects for raycast bullets
void ShowHits(RaycastHit hit)
switch (hit.transform.tag)
case "bullet":
// do nothing if 2 bullets collide
case "Player":
// add blood effect
case "wood":
// add wood impact effects
case "stone":
// add stone impact effect
case "ground":
// add dirt or ground impact effect
default: // default impact effect and bullet hole
Instantiate(impactEffect, hit.point + 0.1f * hit.normal, Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, hit.normal));
GameObject newBulletHole = Instantiate(bulletHole, hit.point, Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, hit.normal)) as GameObject;
newBulletHole.transform.parent = hit.transform;
// reload your weapon
IEnumerator reload()
if (isReloading)
yield break; // if already reloading... exit and wait till reload is finished
if (numberOfClips > 0)
isReloading = true; // we are now reloading
numberOfClips--; // take away a clip
yield return new WaitForSeconds(reloadTime); // wait for set reload time
bulletsLeft = bulletsPerClip; // fill up the gun
isReloading = false; // done reloading
You call the destroy method in something that some script try to access latter. To solve this you need to stop calling the destroy method in the wrong object or make a "if" to check if the object isn't destroyed when you use the object. $$anonymous$$y guess is ImHit method. What this method do and what objects have it?