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Camera Controller movement issue
Hello, I'm using unity to make a game on rails, and I wanted the camera to have a little bit of lag when my character moves to the left and right. I implemented a pretty simple one (camera only moves so fast towards where the character is).
However I found that it moves differently depending on if the character is moving to the left or the right. So if the Character moves to the right it moves how I expect. But it moves much faster if he is moving to the right, and if I have the camera updating slowly enough it lists to the left. I can't figure out why.
Any help would be great. Alternatively if anyone has any ideas/links as to how else I could implement the camera that would be appreciated. The code for the main camera controller is below.
#pragma strict
// player and camera
var Play : GameObject;
var MainCamera : GameObject;
//Start position of camera, used for zero error
var startPosz : float;
var startPosx : float;
var startPosy : float;
//Current position of camera
var curPosz : float;
var curPosy: float;
var curPosx: float;
//Position that the camera is moving to
var desiredPosz : float;
var desiredPosy: float;
var desiredPosx: float;
//Speed that the camera follows the player
var CameraSpeed: float;
function Start () {
Play = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
MainCamera = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera");
// issue if the camera is slower than 0.8 (listing to the left)
CameraSpeed = 0.1;
startPosz = Play.transform.position.z;
startPosy = Play.transform.position.y;
startPosx = Play.transform.position.x;
function Update () {
// desired location of the camera, z is moving forward, y is up and down, x is side to side
desiredPosz = Play.transform.position.z;
desiredPosy = Play.transform.position.y;
desiredPosx = Play.transform.position.x;
//only x has lag at the moment
curPosx = MainCamera.transform.position.x;
//update camera for forward movement
if (desiredPosz != startPosz){
transform.Translate(0.0f, 0.0f, (desiredPosz - startPosz));
startPosz = desiredPosz;
//update camera for up/down (jumping, not tested should work)
if (desiredPosy != startPosy){
// Horizontal, Verticle, Depth
transform.Translate(0.0f, (desiredPosy - startPosy), 0.0f);
startPosy = desiredPosy;
//Basic version follows pecisley
/*if (desiredPosx != startPosx){
// Horizontal, Verticle, Depth
transform.Translate((desiredPosx - startPosx),0.0f, 0.0f);
startPosx = desiredPosx;
if (desiredPosx != startPosx){
if(curPosx + CameraSpeed < desiredPosx){
curPosx = curPosx + CameraSpeed;
} else if(curPosx - CameraSpeed > desiredPosx){
curPosx = curPosx - CameraSpeed;
curPosx = desiredPosx;
transform.Translate((curPosx - startPosx ), 0.0f, 0.0f);
startPosx = curPosx;