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NeverMemo · Dec 14, 2020 at 10:25 AM ·
particlesvelocityparticlesystemparticle systemparticle
How is Limit Velocity Over Lifetime calculated?
I am designing a scene where a garden hose waters a field by a particle system attached to the end of the hose. For the best water motion I use Limit Velocity Over Lifetime with dampening. The problem is that, one of the particles has to be an actual game object because the main game play happens on that water droplet. I tried to access properties of the module to simulate the same behavior. However none of the functions I found online for dampening work the same with the particle system. Does anybody know how it is actually calculated?
Some of the solutions I found and tried that didn't work:
Damping velocity with deltaTime
How damping works for ScrollRect
Here is the module parameters I used:
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