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which settings are the best to simulate real sunlight ?
So unity now has PBR shaders and allow you to get lighting info from the skybox etc but my scenes all look a fake as fake can be... What am I missing?
Let's say I have a skybox of an overcast day so mostly grayish all over the place... I set that as my skybox and then I create a directional light with a value of dark orange.... yeah, that is not going to make my scene look realistic now is it? Skybox or otherwise.
Maybe a deep purple or a nice canary yellow? Maybe because it is overcast I should set my directional light to some hue of gray or black? As you can see, these suggestions absolutely suck at creating a photorealistic scene no matter how good the PBR texture on my model or the color of my skybox.
So what colors work best for creating realistic looking scenes in normal sunny day situations? And overcast conditions? And dusk? Oh someone PLEASE tell me what will allow me to have a playable night scene! Be my hero!
All this PBR stuff and indirect baking and auto updating bouncing rays illuminated refraction whatever and what have you with all the reflection probes and all that.... it's all rather pointless when your directional light is set to pure red.
So what are good values for realistic lighting?
Thanks in advance. :)