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AddComponent() causes a "trying to create a MonoBehaviour using the 'new' keyword" warning
I'm attempting to create a "game instance" singleton. Things have been working fine for a while, and still are, but I notice a warning that I either didn't notice was there before or is new. (I suspect I just didn't notice it before). Again things seem like they are working, but I don't like this warning sitting around in the console taunting me. What am I doing wrong?
You are trying to create a MonoBehaviour using the 'new' keyword. This is not allowed. MonoBehaviours can only be added using AddComponent(). Alternatively, your script can inherit from ScriptableObject or no base class at all
Game:get_Instance() (at Assets/Scripts/Game.cs:28)
Commodity:Awake() (at Assets/Scripts/Commodity.cs:15)
Note: Commodity:Awake() is doing this: Game.Instance.AddCommodity(this); //adds the commodity to a List property on Game
public class Game : MonoBehaviour {
// GAME INSTANCE *********************************************
private static Game instance;
public static Game Instance
// Unity destroys objects in random order (or so says the internet).
// This makes sure we don't accidentally create it again if something asks for it after it's been destroyed (which leaves a ghost object in the scene after hitting the stop play button)
if (applicationIsQuitting) {
Debug.LogWarning("Game Instance already destroyed on application quit. Won't create again - returning null.");
return null;
// If the instance doesn't exist yet, make it.
if(instance == null)
Debug.Log("Creating new Game Instance.");
//this generates a warning:
instance = new GameObject("Game").AddComponent<Game>();
// return the instance
return instance;
// Sets the instance to null when the application quits
private static bool applicationIsQuitting = false;
public void OnApplicationQuit()
applicationIsQuitting = true;
instance = null;
//... other stuff
I also tried changing this "`instance = new GameObject("Game").AddComponent();`" to:
GameObject newGO = new GameObject();
newGO.name = "Game";
instance = newGO.GetComponent<Game>();
But I get the same error at newGo.AddComponent();
Which suggests AddComponent is doing something that is triggering that warning. Or something in Game class is causing the problem... let me know folks want me to post the whole class (it's kind of long). I'm hoping just the singleton implementation part is all that is needed to help spot the problem.
I'm at a loss. Especially since things appear to be working just fine. I get a new object called "Game" in the scene, and it has a Game component on it with all the variables I'm setting on it externally via and properties like Game.Instance.XXX
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks! :)
Hmmm, looking closer at the warning, I don't understand why TableObject (another class in my project) is involved at all... maybe that's somehow related. (I'm assu$$anonymous$$g ctor() is constructor?)
Yep that was culprit. Elsewhere in the Game script I was incorrectly creating a Property with "new" TableObject which is a $$anonymous$$onoBehavior. That was confusing because doubleclicking on the error took me the line where I was calling AddComponent().
The problem doesn't seem to be related to the code you posted. Perhaps there's a problem somewhere else. It might be a good idea to remove scripts/code until you've narrowed down the problem space
Answer by Majnun · Dec 21, 2013 at 04:37 AM
Figured it out. I had a property to a MonoBehavior elsewhere in the Game class. (A TableObject) which I declared incorrecly using new.
Like so: TableObject StartingSupplies = new TableObject()
So the warning was actually about this line, but it was saying it was about the AddComponent()
; line.
Hopefully this self-answered question will help others if they are in a similar situation and confused by a similar issue. (Double clicking the warning took me to the line with the AddComponent rather than the actual problem which was incorrectly creating the TableObject with "new".
Thanks all. :)
Answer by thaiscorpion · Dec 21, 2013 at 04:36 AM
Please ignore this answer, thanks!
Nothing was wrong with the instance = new GameObject("Game").AddComponent();
Double clicking the warning just took me there for some reason. The real problem was declaring a Property (with a New constructor) to a $$anonymous$$onoBehavior elsewhere in that script. Once I fixed that by removing the = new my$$anonymous$$onoBehaviorExtendedClass() it worked fine.
@$$anonymous$$ajnun Oh oky I just had this code like that in my project and it worked perfectly, and since you said yours didn't I thought it might have been that, but nvm :D