Question by
LaphicetCrowe · Mar 11, 2021 at 06:40 PM ·
Nav meshes in ECS/DOTS
I know there's an implementation of Nav mesh systems for ECS dated around 2018. I went through the code trying to figure out how to modernise it, but while there are some removed features it uses that have a modern equivalent (ie. IConvertGameObjectToEntity more or less replacing ComponentDataWrapper), some are more difficult to find replacements for in ECS 0.17, if they have any at all (ex. IJobNativeMultiHashMapMergedSharedKeyIndices)
Most likely I'll need to convert the nav mesh to a blob asset of sorts, but what really stumps me at the moment is that intimidating IJobNativeMultiHashMapMergedSharedKeyIndices interface and what I should do in its absence.
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