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Question by
omanopray · Feb 09 at 06:47 AM ·
trailrenderertrailtrail renderertrails
Trail renderer on top of player object
The trail renderer is rendering on top of the player, when it's supposed to be under them. When I back track the end of the trail makes a weird shape a second after I go back. When I turnm the edges are supposed to be sharp but they make this weird curve shape as well. And lastly, when I first start the scene a piece of trail is already therem when it isn't suppoesed to show anything.
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Did you check the layer of trail renderer and if it's above player's layer? Tbh it looks like there is something very wrong with trail itself or code (if you coded the trail). Need more information.The trail renderer is rendering on top of the player, when it's supposed to be under them.