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About Unity Render Streaming Package
Hello everyone, I am using unity 2019.1.14f1 version. I'm trying to make a party application that allows users to watch something together on google. Photon is integrated into my project. And I am using a webview plugin.
Current scenario : Room for maximum 4 people is created and when the players are ready, the masterclient starts the game and the game scene is loaded. I also have a game object with a webview plugin and I load the webview object into the scene at the start of the game scene. (The Google page opens with the webview plugin and the players can navigate easily.) This gameobject has been uploaded to the stage for everyone.
The scenario I want it to happen: Gameobject is loaded on stage for masterclient and 3 other players are watching webview object owned by masterclient. Clients can't surf, they can only watch masterclient. Is it possible?
I should also mention that I am developing this project for android and ios mobile devices to publish on google play and AppStore. I've read the forums about Unity Render Streaming, I know it's not compatible with the unity version I'm using, I know it will take me a while, but I wanted to consult you before I start exactly. If it's not possible for my scenario I don't want to start. Thank you in advance for your help and any suggestions.
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