Question by
The_Ideator · Jun 16, 2021 at 02:57 PM ·
scripting problemprogrammingscripting beginnermovement script
Joystick Movement Not Smooth Enough
I am using the Joystick Pack package. I have tried using all forcemodes to make smooth horizontal movement. They aren't smooth enough. When using ChangeVelocity , the problem is probably that when I hold the joystick towards right for 2 seconds , a velocity 2x is added to the object. So for making the object move with same force towards left , I have to hold the joystick towards right for 4 seconds. 2 seconds for net velocity to become zero and 2 for it to become 2x in the opposite direction. This delay is too long. Is there a way to make the object move in either horizontal direction the moment I tilt the joystick in that direction ? Thanks in advance.