Navmesh not working with terrain trees
I've done everything I know how to do so far. I've added navmesh obstacles, volumes, and regular modifiers to the prefabs for the trees I am using for the terrain. no matter what I do when I bake the trees on the terrain are ignored and the NPC's walk right through them. I'm assuming this is because of my ignorance of the navmesh system, but obviously, I need to fix this. I've read this and tried doing all of the suggestions but nothing helped. My trees all have colliders. Any help would be appreciated I'm baking with the navmesh surface component
I have the exact same problem. Have you ever found the solution?
Answer by Potties · Jun 01 at 10:24 AM
After countless naughty words I think I finally figured this out. When you bake from the Navmesh Surface component the terrain trees are ignored no matter what I do. However when you Bake from the navigation window it works fine. Go to Window -> AI -> Navigation to open this window. Go to the bake tab in this window and press the bake button. Now trees are included in the navmesh bake. This gave me a headache for so long.
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