"package.json not found" error in cloudbuild
I added ML-Agents to my project and when I try to CloudBuild it, I get an error.
How to add ML-Agents to Project
I installed ML-Agents Extensions package (com.unity.ml-agents.extensions) locally according to the following URL. https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ml-agents/blob/main/com.unity.ml-agents.extensions/Documentation~/com.unity.ml-agents.extensions.md
I put it in folder D:/ml-agents/.
Training works fine.
Error excerpts
560: [Unity] An error occurred while resolving packages:
561: [Unity] Project has invalid dependencies:
562: [Unity] com.unity.ml-agents.extensions: The file [/BUILD_PATH/mygame.mygame_unitycloudbuild/Packages/D:/ml-agents/com.unity.ml-agents.extensions/package.json] cannot be found
563: [Unity] A re-import of the project may be required to fix the issue or a manual modification of /BUILD_PATH/mygame.mygame_unitycloudbuild/Packages/manifest.json file.
564: Unity ran in '65.563104' seconds
565: ! Unity player export failed!
I have confirmed that the following line has been added to Packages-manifest.json on Git.
"com.unity.ml-agents.extensions": "file:D:/ml-agents/com.unity.ml-agents.extensions",
Do I need to rewrite the manifest file? If so, how do I rewrite it so I can build?
Thanks for reading.
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