Animation Events - Footsteps Issue,Unity Footprints Animation Event - No Receiver, missing Component
,I'm developing a short demo for a Game Design class, my first experience with Unity, and have been following a tutorial - 'Breakfast With Unity: Footprints' - to add footprints to my character. Everything is working as it should, except that with each animation event called in-game, I get this error:
'BobcatPlayer' AnimationEvent 'rightBackFootstep()' on animation 'Bobcat Walk' has no receiver! Are you missing a component?
The BobcatPlayer has an Animator component, assigned properly. I've written the code as described in-tutorial. I'm kind of tearing my hair out here as the game demo is due tomorrow and while I have enough, technically, to do well, I want to push the envelope and make this work. Image of the animation events here:
Code is here: