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Best way to load 3D assets at runtime.
I have a game where there are multiple Islands, these islands can have multiple different versions to them - we'll call them Eras. If i have say 10 eras, that would amount to 10 different versions of that island. I don't think it would be effective to have all eras on all islands to have their visibility turned on and off when needed so wondering what would be the best way around this so that i maintain good performance.
Thanks in advance for the help.
Also, i need these objects to be loaded with the correct position.
Answer by AlgoUnity · Sep 23, 2021 at 08:43 AM
This may or may not make sense based on your specific game, but one way is to put each Island version into its own scene, then use SceneManager.LoadScene("Island1Era1", LoadSceneMode.Additive) to load the island on top of your current scene, you should be able to unload just the island in the same way without unloading everything else.