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Rotate sprite to face direction of movement
Hey folks, I have been bashing my head on this for a week now trying out all kinds of different methods and I feel like this should be easier than I'm making it. However nothing I have tried thus far works.
I am making a top down sprite character that moves exactly with the mouse cursor. This part works just fine, but I also want it to face the direction it is moving in but I just cannot get it to rotate on the Z axis so that it remains flat to the camera but rotates around to face its movement direction.
I've been trawling through various topics here, on youtube, stackoverflow, I am at a loss and its driving me nuts that I feel it should be a really simple thing to achieve but it just doesn't seem to be a done thing. a lot of the "follow cursor" methods require the object to follow the direction of the cursor, not be exactly on the cursors position, which, isn't what I'm aiming at. I want it to be exactly at the point of the cursor.
Here's my code, what rotation to direction of travel method using this cursor movement method would you recommend here?
private Vector3 pos;
void Awake()
//Cursor.visible = false;
void Update()
pos = Input.mousePosition;
pos.z = 980f; //positions at Z =0 from the camera, camera is at -980 Z.
private void FixedUpdate()
transform.position = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(pos);
Answer by kittymuffin · Aug 12, 2021 at 08:00 PM
Start with finding mouse position in world space coordinates:
Vector3 worldPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
will find the position of the mouse in space, so with that information, you can write
Vector3 direction = (transform.position - worldPosition);
(an algorithm that finds the direction of an object in comparison to another)
Then, turn that into a
usingQuaternion wantedRotation = Quaternion.Euler(direction);
and finally actually set the rotation using some fancy spherical interpolation (s-lerp)
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, wantedRotation, turnSpeed)
I think that the slowing at the end looks better than not btw.
Vector3 worldPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
Vector3 direction = (transform.position - worldPosition);
Vector3 wantedRotation = Quaternion.Euler(direction);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, wantedRotation, turnSpeed);
Hey! thank you for this appreciate you dropping by to help! It doesn't quite work as hoped I tried digging around to see if I could get it to function on my project but not much luck, it kind of flip flops all over the place rather than just rotating on the Z axis and I can't quite see how its relating the movement of the cursor. I'm working in 2D, I've tried locking its rotation in the X Y axis but that didn't seem to do anything.
This looks very familiar to a few issues I've run into on previous attempts at getting it to rotate.
This is the approx. set up I have for the scene, the player placeholder is in the middle there starts facing at the Y and I want it to only rotate on the Z so it remains flat to the camera. Not sure how to only apply the rotation to the Z here.
Edit: I managed to get it rotating only on the Z axis but it KEEPS rotating, rather than to the direction of the mouse, then stopping... so, stil not quite there. Oof. I used:
Quaternion wantedRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, Mathf.LerpAngle(direction.x,direction.y,0));
Oh shoot sorry, the Vector3 wantedRotation should be a Quaternion wantedRotation. It should not rotate on the x and y axis if both 2d objects are in the same plane. Also, sometimes it does go on it's side, so I usually just mess around with the blender export settings until I get the desired effect, but if this is a unity object, I have no idea. Good luck!
Maybe also try Quaternion.LookRotation instead of Quaternion.Euler