Unity Socket Port-forward
I´ve been following the series of networking tutorials from Tom Weiland, were he create a simple multiplayer game with c# sockets. I have followed the whole tutorial series, and it works fine... in my computer. It uses TCP and UDP protocols, but the IP address was the local one ( It was all right, and I thought that just by changing the IP address to a IPv4 one, it would be just fine. In fact, I was right, but I have two main problems:
-1. I want to obtain the IP address of any computer running the client script, in order to set up the TCP and UDP protocols.
-2. I have a router were I am connected, so my IP address in fact still being kind of local, and the data in that socket can´t be accessed from another computer. I´ve being searching in forums for 2 weeks, and I found about port-forward, NAT punch-throwing, UDP hole punching, TCP hole punching, and quite a lot of information about it. The problem is that I don´t know how to implement those methods in my server and client scripts. And in fact I don´t even know which one to use.
In conclusion, I want to port-forward THROUGH CODE.
Thanks in advance.
Here I leave the Client.cs and Server.cs scripts:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System;
public class Client : MonoBehaviour
public static Client instance;
public static int dataBufferSize = 4096;
private string ip = "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx";
public int port = 26950;
//private string ip = null;
public int myId = 0;
public TCP tcp;
public UDP udp;
private bool isConnected = false;
private delegate void PacketHandler(Packet _packet);
private static Dictionary<int, PacketHandler> packetHandlers;
private void Awake()
if (instance == null)
instance = this;
else if (instance != this)
Debug.Log("Instance already exists, destroying object!");
private void OnApplicationQuit()
Disconnect(); // Disconnect when the game is closed
/// <summary>Attempts to connect to the server.</summary>
public void ConnectToServer()
tcp = new TCP();
udp = new UDP();
isConnected = true;
tcp.Connect(); // Connect tcp, udp gets connected once tcp is done
public class TCP
public TcpClient socket;
private NetworkStream stream;
private Packet receivedData;
private byte[] receiveBuffer;
/// <summary>Attempts to connect to the server via TCP.</summary>
public void Connect()
socket = new TcpClient
ReceiveBufferSize = dataBufferSize,
SendBufferSize = dataBufferSize
receiveBuffer = new byte[dataBufferSize];
socket.BeginConnect(instance.ip, instance.port, ConnectCallback, socket);
/// <summary>Initializes the newly connected client's TCP-related info.</summary>
private void ConnectCallback(IAsyncResult _result)
if (!socket.Connected)
stream = socket.GetStream();
receivedData = new Packet();
stream.BeginRead(receiveBuffer, 0, dataBufferSize, ReceiveCallback, null);
/// <summary>Sends data to the client via TCP.</summary>
/// <param name="_packet">The packet to send.</param>
public void SendData(Packet _packet)
if (socket != null)
stream.BeginWrite(_packet.ToArray(), 0, _packet.Length(), null, null); // Send data to server
catch (Exception _ex)
Debug.Log($"Error sending data to server via TCP: {_ex}");
/// <summary>Reads incoming data from the stream.</summary>
private void ReceiveCallback(IAsyncResult _result)
int _byteLength = stream.EndRead(_result);
if (_byteLength <= 0)
byte[] _data = new byte[_byteLength];
Array.Copy(receiveBuffer, _data, _byteLength);
receivedData.Reset(HandleData(_data)); // Reset receivedData if all data was handled
stream.BeginRead(receiveBuffer, 0, dataBufferSize, ReceiveCallback, null);
/// <summary>Prepares received data to be used by the appropriate packet handler methods.</summary>
/// <param name="_data">The recieved data.</param>
private bool HandleData(byte[] _data)
int _packetLength = 0;
if (receivedData.UnreadLength() >= 4)
// If client's received data contains a packet
_packetLength = receivedData.ReadInt();
if (_packetLength <= 0)
// If packet contains no data
return true; // Reset receivedData instance to allow it to be reused
while (_packetLength > 0 && _packetLength <= receivedData.UnreadLength())
// While packet contains data AND packet data length doesn't exceed the length of the packet we're reading
byte[] _packetBytes = receivedData.ReadBytes(_packetLength);
ThreadManager.ExecuteOnMainThread(() =>
using (Packet _packet = new Packet(_packetBytes))
int _packetId = _packet.ReadInt();
packetHandlers[_packetId](_packet); // Call appropriate method to handle the packet
_packetLength = 0; // Reset packet length
if (receivedData.UnreadLength() >= 4)
// If client's received data contains another packet
_packetLength = receivedData.ReadInt();
if (_packetLength <= 0)
// If packet contains no data
return true; // Reset receivedData instance to allow it to be reused
if (_packetLength <= 1)
return true; // Reset receivedData instance to allow it to be reused
return false;
/// <summary>Disconnects from the server and cleans up the TCP connection.</summary>
private void Disconnect()
stream = null;
receivedData = null;
receiveBuffer = null;
socket = null;
public class UDP
public UdpClient socket;
public IPEndPoint endPoint;
public UDP()
endPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(instance.ip), instance.port);
/// <summary>Attempts to connect to the server via UDP.</summary>
/// <param name="_localPort">The port number to bind the UDP socket to.</param>
public void Connect(int _localPort)
socket = new UdpClient(_localPort);
socket.BeginReceive(ReceiveCallback, null);
using (Packet _packet = new Packet())
/// <summary>Sends data to the client via UDP.</summary>
/// <param name="_packet">The packet to send.</param>
public void SendData(Packet _packet)
_packet.InsertInt(instance.myId); // Insert the client's ID at the start of the packet
if (socket != null)
socket.BeginSend(_packet.ToArray(), _packet.Length(), null, null);
catch (Exception _ex)
Debug.Log($"Error sending data to server via UDP: {_ex}");
/// <summary>Receives incoming UDP data.</summary>
private void ReceiveCallback(IAsyncResult _result)
byte[] _data = socket.EndReceive(_result, ref endPoint);
socket.BeginReceive(ReceiveCallback, null);
if (_data.Length < 4)
/// <summary>Prepares received data to be used by the appropriate packet handler methods.</summary>
/// <param name="_data">The recieved data.</param>
private void HandleData(byte[] _data)
using (Packet _packet = new Packet(_data))
int _packetLength = _packet.ReadInt();
_data = _packet.ReadBytes(_packetLength);
ThreadManager.ExecuteOnMainThread(() =>
using (Packet _packet = new Packet(_data))
int _packetId = _packet.ReadInt();
packetHandlers[_packetId](_packet); // Call appropriate method to handle the packet
/// <summary>Disconnects from the server and cleans up the UDP connection.</summary>
private void Disconnect()
endPoint = null;
socket = null;
/// <summary>Initializes all necessary client data.</summary>
private void InitializeClientData()
packetHandlers = new Dictionary<int, PacketHandler>()
{ (int)ServerPackets.welcome, ClientHandle.Welcome },
{ (int)ServerPackets.spawnPlayer, ClientHandle.SpawnPlayer },
{ (int)ServerPackets.playerPosition, ClientHandle.PlayerPosition },
{ (int)ServerPackets.playerRotation, ClientHandle.PlayerRotation },
{ (int)ServerPackets.playerDisconnected, ClientHandle.PlayerDisconnected },
{ (int)ServerPackets.playerHealth, ClientHandle.PlayerHealth },
{ (int)ServerPackets.playerRespawned, ClientHandle.PlayerRespawned },
{ (int)ServerPackets.createItemSpawner, ClientHandle.CreateItemSpawner },
{ (int)ServerPackets.itemSpawned, ClientHandle.ItemSpawned },
{ (int)ServerPackets.itemPickedUp, ClientHandle.ItemPickedUp },
{ (int)ServerPackets.spawnProjectile, ClientHandle.SpawnProjectile },
{ (int)ServerPackets.projectilePosition, ClientHandle.ProjectilePosition },
{ (int)ServerPackets.projectileExploded, ClientHandle.ProjectileExploded },
{ (int)ServerPackets.spawnEnemy, ClientHandle.SpawnEnemy },
{ (int)ServerPackets.enemyPosition, ClientHandle.EnemyPosition },
{ (int)ServerPackets.enemyHealth, ClientHandle.EnemyHealth },
Debug.Log("Initialized packets.");
/// <summary>Disconnects from the server and stops all network traffic.</summary>
private void Disconnect()
if (isConnected)
isConnected = false;
Debug.Log("Disconnected from server.");
And the Server.cs script:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using UnityEngine;
public class Server
public static int MaxPlayers { get; private set; }
public static int Port { get; private set; }
public static Dictionary<int, Client> clients = new Dictionary<int, Client>();
public delegate void PacketHandler(int _fromClient, Packet _packet);
public static Dictionary<int, PacketHandler> packetHandlers;
private static TcpListener tcpListener;
private static UdpClient udpListener;
/// <summary>Starts the server.</summary>
/// <param name="_maxPlayers">The maximum players that can be connected simultaneously.</param>
/// <param name="_port">The port to start the server on.</param>
public static void Start(int _maxPlayers, int _port)
MaxPlayers = _maxPlayers;
Port = _port;
Debug.Log("Starting server...");
tcpListener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, Port);
tcpListener.BeginAcceptTcpClient(TCPConnectCallback, null);
udpListener = new UdpClient(Port);
udpListener.BeginReceive(UDPReceiveCallback, null);
Debug.Log($"Server started on port {Port}.");
/// <summary>Handles new TCP connections.</summary>
private static void TCPConnectCallback(IAsyncResult _result)
TcpClient _client = tcpListener.EndAcceptTcpClient(_result);
tcpListener.BeginAcceptTcpClient(TCPConnectCallback, null);
Debug.Log($"Incoming connection from {_client.Client.RemoteEndPoint}...");
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxPlayers; i++)
if (clients[i].tcp.socket == null)
Debug.Log($"{_client.Client.RemoteEndPoint} failed to connect: Server full!");
/// <summary>Receives incoming UDP data.</summary>
private static void UDPReceiveCallback(IAsyncResult _result)
IPEndPoint _clientEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
byte[] _data = udpListener.EndReceive(_result, ref _clientEndPoint);
udpListener.BeginReceive(UDPReceiveCallback, null);
if (_data.Length < 4)
using (Packet _packet = new Packet(_data))
int _clientId = _packet.ReadInt();
if (_clientId == 0)
if (clients[_clientId].udp.endPoint == null)
// If this is a new connection
if (clients[_clientId].udp.endPoint.ToString() == _clientEndPoint.ToString())
// Ensures that the client is not being impersonated by another by sending a false clientID
catch (Exception _ex)
Debug.Log($"Error receiving UDP data: {_ex}");
/// <summary>Sends a packet to the specified endpoint via UDP.</summary>
/// <param name="_clientEndPoint">The endpoint to send the packet to.</param>
/// <param name="_packet">The packet to send.</param>
public static void SendUDPData(IPEndPoint _clientEndPoint, Packet _packet)
if (_clientEndPoint != null)
udpListener.BeginSend(_packet.ToArray(), _packet.Length(), _clientEndPoint, null, null);
catch (Exception _ex)
Debug.Log($"Error sending data to {_clientEndPoint} via UDP: {_ex}");
/// <summary>Initializes all necessary server data.</summary>
private static void InitializeServerData()
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxPlayers; i++)
clients.Add(i, new Client(i));
packetHandlers = new Dictionary<int, PacketHandler>()
{ (int)ClientPackets.welcomeReceived, ServerHandle.WelcomeReceived },
{ (int)ClientPackets.playerMovement, ServerHandle.PlayerMovement },
{ (int)ClientPackets.playerShoot, ServerHandle.PlayerShoot },
{ (int)ClientPackets.playerThrowItem, ServerHandle.PlayerThrowItem }
Debug.Log("Initialized packets.");
public static void Stop()