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How to find out if a button has been released (new input system/gamepad)
My problem is as follows: I currently have an action map setup with a "Run"-action, "Button"-type. This "Run"-action has a "Hold"-interaction so that it only registers as performed after a short amount of time.
I want to update a value depending on the phase of the action. If the action was performed (button held for the minimum amount of time) => value = true If the action was canceled (button released) value = false
This approach works really well when I'm only using a keyboard - no additional input devices connected. But as soon as I connect my Xbox-Controller, things stop working. There is no "canceled"-phase and the action gets stuck in an eternal "performed"-phase. I checked the input value via ReadValue - that value still changes, but the phase doesn't.
My question: Is there a better way to register a ButtonUp-event on a gamepad or do I need to think of a weird workaround?
My current code (for reference):
public bool RunningInput { get; private set; }
private void OnEnable()
playerControls.PlayerMovement.Run.performed += UpdateRunningInput;
playerControls.PlayerMovement.Run.canceled += UpdateRunningInput:
private void UpdateRunningInput(InputAction.CallbackContext i)
// If Run was performed => true
// If Run was canceled => false
RunningInput = i.ReadValue<Single>() == 1;