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Failed to re-package resources
Hello , sorry for maybe , creating a multi-threads , but i searched and i can`t find a good answer .
i-v tried to reinstall android sdk but , worthless.
Here`s the errors:
CommandInvokationFailure: Failed to re-package resources. C:\Users\bogdyxp\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools\27.0.3\aapt.exe package --auto-add-overlay -v -f -m -J "gen" -M "AndroidManifest.xml" -S "res" -I "C:/Users/bogdyxp/AppData/Local/Android/Sdk\platforms\android-23\android.jar" -F bin/resources.ap_
Build completed with a result of 'Failed' UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)
UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow+BuildMethodException: 3 errors at UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow+DefaultBuildMethods.BuildPlayer (BuildPlayerOptions options) [0x00207] in C:\buildslave\unity\build\Editor\Mono\BuildPlayerWindowBuildMethods.cs:172 at UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow.CallBuildMethods (Boolean askForBuildLocation, BuildOptions defaultBuildOptions) [0x00050] in C:\buildslave\unity\build\Editor\Mono\BuildPlayerWindowBuildMethods.cs:83
Answer by liortal · Jun 05, 2018 at 05:56 PM
Since this is a recurring issue, i will quote my answer from a forum post (this one for example):
Here are a few examples of what the usual causes are:
Missing Android libraries (or your libraries are not the required version).
Android library conflicts / duplications.
Too many android libraries in the project (e.g: exceeding the 65k dex method reference limit). In order to better understand your issue, please attach the full editor log file (see this link to find where it's stored).
I provide a (paid) service for fixing such issues. In case it is urgent for you, or you could not solve the issue, feel free to contact me.