LookAt in 2d is not working Again :/
Ive seen the several questions similar to this one, yet all the solutions Ive tried for it dont work. LookAt in 2d is seriously out of wack because it always affects the Z Axis and then turns the whole object on its side, and i don't know how to get around that. I thought it was my code but it works fine.
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)
if (other.gameObject.name.Contains("A"))
Debug.Log ("TEST")
The Debug is only there for a place holder, that where i normally will insert the solutions Ive found from other questions similar to this one but none of them work. All i need it to do is when it touches a Object that Contains a A in its name, it will look at the center (0, 0) with a Added number to its overall Rotation ranging from 35 to -35 (to make it kind of like a RNG bounce that sticks to trying to point toward the Center). none of the solutions I've tried have worked for me, Thus Far.