Tilemap and enemy sprite disappearing in play mode
The Imgur link is above.
Basically, I tried to use A* pathfinder, and something went wrong. Although my character and tilemap are visible in SCENE mode, when I enter PLAY Mode, my enemy character disappears. Then, I saved my project, and re-opened it hoping it was some render error that would get resolved if I reopened the project. It didn’t work. In fact, my tilemap then disappears as well in play mode, now I cannot see either in scene mode as well. Additionally, my characters jump function has been messed ups he plays the sprite animation for jump, then he is stuck in that. He still moves left and right, but does not go up like he is supposed to while jumping.
What is funny is that they both still exist. My character responds when he hits the enemy. He also responds to the terrain. The enemy still does animations(walking running attacking) according to the animator accordingly.
Any ideas why this might be?