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Question by
palinalif123 · Mar 04, 2019 at 02:45 PM ·
scripting problemtransformobjectlinerendererrope
Change Script so that the object's position can be modified in the Editor/through other scripts?
Hi! I have a script that I got from elsewhere that I want to modify so that I can freely move the object at the end of the line around, but I'm unsure as to how to do that since I didn't write the code myself. Any suggestions would be very welcome!
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
//Simulate a rope with verlet integration and no springs
public class RopeControllerRealisticNoSpring : MonoBehaviour
//Objects that will interact with the rope
public Transform whatTheRopeIsConnectedTo;
public Transform whatIsHangingFromTheRope;
public int maxSections;
public float ropeSectionLength; //progressBarCalculation changes this
//Line renderer used to display the rope
private LineRenderer lineRenderer;
//A list with all rope section
private List<RopeSection> allRopeSections = new List<RopeSection>();
private void Start()
//Init the line renderer we use to display the rope
lineRenderer = GetComponent<LineRenderer>();
//Create the rope
Vector3 ropeSectionPos = whatTheRopeIsConnectedTo.position;
for (int i = 0; i < maxSections; i++)
allRopeSections.Add(new RopeSection(ropeSectionPos));
ropeSectionPos.y -= ropeSectionLength;
private void Update()
//Display the rope with the line renderer
//Move what is hanging from the rope to the end of the rope
whatIsHangingFromTheRope.position = allRopeSections[allRopeSections.Count - 1].pos;
//Make what's hanging from the rope look at the next to last rope position to make it rotate with the rope
whatIsHangingFromTheRope.LookAt(allRopeSections[allRopeSections.Count - 2].pos);
private void FixedUpdate()
private void UpdateRopeSimulation()
Vector3 gravityVec = new Vector3(0f, -9.81f, 0f);
float t = Time.fixedDeltaTime;
//Move the first section to what the rope is hanging from
RopeSection firstRopeSection = allRopeSections[0];
firstRopeSection.pos = whatTheRopeIsConnectedTo.position;
allRopeSections[0] = firstRopeSection;
//Move the other rope sections with Verlet integration
for (int i = 1; i < allRopeSections.Count; i++)
RopeSection currentRopeSection = allRopeSections[i];
//Calculate velocity this update
Vector3 vel = currentRopeSection.pos - currentRopeSection.oldPos;
//Update the old position with the current position
currentRopeSection.oldPos = currentRopeSection.pos;
//Find the new position
currentRopeSection.pos += vel;
//Add gravity
currentRopeSection.pos += gravityVec * t;
//Add it back to the array
allRopeSections[i] = currentRopeSection;
//Make sure the rope sections have the correct lengths
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
//Make sure the rope sections have the correct lengths
private void ImplementMaximumStretch()
for (int i = 0; i < allRopeSections.Count - 1; i++)
RopeSection topSection = allRopeSections[i];
RopeSection bottomSection = allRopeSections[i + 1];
//The distance between the sections
float dist = (topSection.pos - bottomSection.pos).magnitude;
//What's the stretch/compression
float distError = Mathf.Abs(dist - ropeSectionLength);
Vector3 changeDir = Vector3.zero;
//Compress this sections
if (dist > ropeSectionLength)
changeDir = (topSection.pos - bottomSection.pos).normalized;
//Extend this section
else if (dist < ropeSectionLength)
changeDir = (bottomSection.pos - topSection.pos).normalized;
//Do nothing
Vector3 change = changeDir * distError;
if (i != 0)
bottomSection.pos += change * 0.5f;
allRopeSections[i + 1] = bottomSection;
topSection.pos -= change * 0.5f;
allRopeSections[i] = topSection;
//Because the rope is connected to something
bottomSection.pos += change;
allRopeSections[i + 1] = bottomSection;
//Display the rope with a line renderer
private void DisplayRope()
float ropeWidth = 0.03f;
lineRenderer.startWidth = ropeWidth;
lineRenderer.endWidth = ropeWidth;
//An array with all rope section positions
Vector3[] positions = new Vector3[allRopeSections.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < allRopeSections.Count; i++)
positions[i] = allRopeSections[i].pos;
lineRenderer.positionCount = positions.Length;
//A struct that will hold information about each rope section
public struct RopeSection
public Vector3 pos;
public Vector3 oldPos;
//To write RopeSection.zero
public static readonly RopeSection zero = new RopeSection(Vector3.zero);
public RopeSection(Vector3 pos)
this.pos = pos;
this.oldPos = pos;
Answer by kaplica · Mar 04, 2019 at 02:52 PM
Scripts are in Unity components, which reside on game objects. Every script in unity that resides on a game object needs to inherit from MonoBehavior, thanks to which you can do GetComponent to get a script off a certain game object.
var go = GameObject.Find("name of gameobject");
var script = go.GetComponent<yourType>();
if the other script resides on the same gameobject you just get the script.