Question by
EvanCheddar · Mar 26 at 08:16 PM ·
How can I make this shader transparent? (add alpha option)
I'm not great with shaders and I'm trying to edit this shader to support an alpha/ transparency option. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
// Upgrade NOTE: upgraded instancing buffer 'Props' to new syntax.
Shader "Custom/JellyShader" {
Properties {
_Color ("Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
_MainTex ("Albedo (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
_Glossiness ("Smoothness", Range(0,1)) = 0.5
_Metallic ("Metallic", Range(0,1)) = 0.0
_ControlTime ("Time", float) = 0
_ModelOrigin ("Model Origin", Vector) = (0,0,0,0)
_ImpactOrigin ("Impact Origin", Vector) = (-5,0,0,0)
_Frequency ("Frequency", Range(0, 1000)) = 10
_Amplitude ("Amplitude", Range(0, 5)) = 0.1
_WaveFalloff ("Wave Falloff", Range(1, 8)) = 4
_MaxWaveDistortion ("Max Wave Distortion", Range(0.1, 2.0)) = 1
_ImpactSpeed ("Impact Speed", Range(0, 10)) = 0.5
_WaveSpeed ("Wave Speed", Range(-10, 10)) = -5
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }
LOD 200
// Physically based Standard lighting model, and enable shadows on all light types
#pragma surface surf Standard fullforwardshadows addshadow vertex:vert
// Use shader model 3.0 target, to get nicer looking lighting
#pragma target 3.0
sampler2D _MainTex;
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
half _Glossiness;
half _Metallic;
fixed4 _Color;
float _ControlTime;
float4 _ModelOrigin;
float4 _ImpactOrigin;
half _Frequency; //Base frequency for our waves.
half _Amplitude; //Base amplitude for our waves.
half _WaveFalloff; //How quickly our distortion should fall off given distance.
half _MaxWaveDistortion; //Smaller number here will lead to larger distortion as the vertex approaches origin.
half _ImpactSpeed; //How quickly our wave origin moves across the sphere.
half _WaveSpeed; //Oscillation speed of an individual wave.
// Add instancing support for this shader. You need to check 'Enable Instancing' on materials that use the shader.
// See for more information about instancing.
// #pragma instancing_options assumeuniformscaling
// put more per-instance properties here
void vert (inout appdata_base v) {
float4 world_space_vertex = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, v.vertex);
float4 direction = normalize(_ModelOrigin - _ImpactOrigin);
float4 origin = _ImpactOrigin + _ControlTime * _ImpactSpeed * direction;
//Get the distance in world space from our vertex to the wave origin.
float dist = distance(world_space_vertex, origin);
//Adjust our distance to be non-linear.
dist = pow(dist, _WaveFalloff);
//Set the max amount a wave can be distorted based on distance.
dist = max(dist, _MaxWaveDistortion);
//Convert direction and _ImpactOrigin to model space for later trig magic.
float4 l_ImpactOrigin = mul(unity_WorldToObject, _ImpactOrigin);
float4 l_direction = mul(unity_WorldToObject, direction);
float impactAxis = l_ImpactOrigin + dot((v.vertex - l_ImpactOrigin), l_direction); += v.normal * sin(impactAxis * _Frequency + _ControlTime * _WaveSpeed) * _Amplitude * (1 / dist);
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutputStandard o) {
// Albedo comes from a texture tinted by color
fixed4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex) * _Color;
o.Albedo = c.rgb;
// Metallic and smoothness come from slider variables
o.Metallic = _Metallic;
o.Smoothness = _Glossiness;
o.Alpha = c.a;
FallBack "Diffuse"