Enemy animation gets weird when going to set position
I have an enemy AI and works great until the player is gone and the enemy wants to search at the last known location of the player. Please take a minuet to watch the video to really know what the problem is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7IYzN5Rq0M&feature=youtu.be
I know the part at the end where the enemy slides to the point but i don't know how to fix that and make the enemy stop from keeping moving... CODE:
IEnumerator searchForPlayer(){
if (didEnemySeePlayer) {
yield return new WaitForSeconds(5);
lastPlaceDirection = lastPlayerPosition - transform.position;
lastPlaceDirection.y = 0;
lastPlaceAngle = Vector3.Angle (lastPlaceDirection, transform.forward);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp (transform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation (lastPlaceDirection), 0.1f);
print ("checks if starting walking");
chaseState = "WALK";
print ("Changed state");
movingProcess ();
print ("started walking");
if(Vector3.SqrMagnitude(transform.position - lastPlayerPosition) < 230){
didEnemySeePlayer = false;
print ("Changed to false");
enemyIsIdle ();
Please write to me if you have any question but please do try and answer mine. TX.