Imported Model with Generated Colliders (Convex) problems
I created a simple Moving hill (posted below) that has a gap in the middle that the character must run through.
When I generate colliders in unity, the collisions are fine but the character goes through the object. When I try to click the convex box, it creates the colliders but I am no longer able to pass through the gap. It acts as one solid hill without the opening in the middle.
I read somewhere that movable scenery/objects require a collider and a rigid body.
So I tried adding a rigid body with and without convex applied but it did not work as needed. I also realized that rigid bodies on non-convex objects are no longer supported in unity.
I know that one solution would be to create my own colliders by adding primitive shape colliders within unity but I feel this would not be helpful since I would want a smooth hill rather than cube colliders positioned together to imitate the hill.
I heard there was assets on the store that would do this for me, but would rather figure this out rather than take the shortcut.
Any assistance would be appreciated
Answer by jakekola2 · Dec 20, 2015 at 11:40 PM
I know one way I could fix it is to create the two sections of the hill as separate objects but would rather not have to do this.
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