Question by
Bryan3D · Aug 17, 2020 at 05:21 PM ·
frameratebuild settingslimitpc
What is limiting my frame rate with a PC/Mac Build using Unity v 2020.1.0f1...
If I make a PC/Mac build with a new Unity 2020.1.0f1project, my calculated frame rate seems to be limited to my video card's and my monitor's refresh rate - 60 fps. Yet in the Editor, it's rendering several 100's of fps !!
Contrast that with an old project that I started years ago and have since upgraded to 2020 and is running at 500 calculated fps full-screen in the Build version and about 250 fps in the Editor. And it runs at 1000 fps in the Build version when scrunched into a very small window !!
I've played around with all the PC/Mac Build settings but have never been able to create even the simplest scene with 2020 and have it run really fast. What am I doing wrong?