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JSon Parsing Mac issues with Unity 4.x under Steam platform
I'm using JSon parser (provided with "Save Game JSon + Binary packcage") for serialization and deserialization of whole classes. Everything works just fine on Windows. In case of Mac game works well if launched outside of Steam, but inside of it parser starts to put ',' instead of '.' what destroys further deserialization... no idea why. What is worst JSon seems to not work at all on Linux - for me.
Question is - should I change JSon plugin for Unity, or should I know something about Mac and Linux JSon implementation and usage?
Some xml parsers support internationalisation. Some countries use .
for a decimal point, others use ,
, which can mean your data parsing gets trashed. You might want to think seriously about whether you want the xml to be regionalised or not. Put another way, is PI 3.1415… or 3,1415…?
Hmm, is it possible that same code will use internationalised parsing on unix systems and not internationalised on Windows?