Runtime crash occurs for projects built with il2cpp(windows 10, thai language)
Unity Version : 2018.4.16f1 Operating System : Windows 10 64bit (Language Type : Thai) Build Target : x86_64 Build Type : il2cpp
If i set Windows 10's language to Thai, the game occurs runtime crash. There is a phenomenon that the game only stops when it is set in Thai, even though other languages do not matter. to solve this problem, I searched on Google and tried various methods, but failed. What's unique is that after Awake -> Start -> FixedUpdate -> Update -> LateUpdate, it stops without leaving any logs. I want to know if there is a solution.
Can you submit a bug report for this issue?
i have found some reasons of occuring runtime crash. below image show the point of runtime error and callstack.
The function name at the point where the error occurred indicates tha lenghtt exception occurred. And if you look at the part marked with a red line on the call stack, an error appears to have occurred when calling the GetTimeZoneData function. Perhaps there is a problem when related libraries are striped when building a project. Can I know which libraries cause the problem?
Yes, it looks like some calendar data has been removed, or is not present. I'm unsure what causes this though.