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Make Galaxy Forces VR multiplayer
I'm wondering if someone want to help me? It is possible to code and run from Linux, Mac and Windows without VR. But VR-accessories are good to have.
What should be done is
4 players. Race (existing levels) players do not collide. Mission (existing levels) co-op transport cargo. Dogfight (4 new levels that I will make) player vs player.
GUI for multiplayer in Menu.cs (a first shot is on the way) Connection logic by php-db on the web-server (might it be done better?) The plan is that whoever creates a game runs a php-page once a minute that puts to a table: player-name(from Steam) (external)IP current_time. Whoever wants to join loads this list and can see what games are open. (a port must be forwarded for those with a router - can it be done in a simpler way when one has no external server?)
New classes. OtherPlayer.cs - like Player.cs but replays other players movement/actions, other ship color but else the same. SendRecv.cs - create/join logic, recv and send messages, a little like Replay.cs but with network communication.
The game will always be a little out of sync - it may be possible for a bullet to slip past a closing door on one machine, but special messages for kill_player and kill_enemy will make the game behave properly.
The game creator becomes the master/server and will control computer enemies and doors.
It is on github, the multiplayer-branch is new. https://github.com/rh-galaxy/galaxyvr We should use Unity 2019.2.10f1 (loaded with Unityhub at https://unity3d.com/get-unity/download/archive).
There is not much Unity specific coding/handling needed, One thousand lines of C# code may do it. I will help as much as I can.