Unity freezes when I run this and I have no idea why, please help
Hey everyone, so I am trying to do an orbit simulation with multiple bodies involved, currently there are nine and I let the simulation run for a while and then it completely freezes and I have to close the program in order to work on it. I am not sure how to fix this, the code is pasted below.
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using System;
public class PlanetPropagator : MonoBehaviour {
public float semiMajorAxis;
public float inclination;
public float eccentricity;
public float rightAscension;
public float argOfPerigee;
public float meanAnomaly;
public float meanMotion;
float t;
public KeplerianMotion keplerianMotion;
float[] planetPosition = new float[3];
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
DateTime satelliteEpoch = new DateTime(2015, 4, 20, 22, 45, 0);
DateTime tVernal = new DateTime(2015, 3, 20, 22, 45, 0);
t = (float)(satelliteEpoch - tVernal).TotalSeconds;
keplerianMotion = new KeplerianMotion();
planetPosition = keplerianMotion.GetNewPosition(eccentricity,meanAnomaly,meanMotion,semiMajorAxis,inclination,rightAscension,argOfPerigee,t);
transform.position = new Vector3(planetPosition[0], planetPosition[1], planetPosition[2]);
t += 1000;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
planetPosition = keplerianMotion.GetNewPosition(eccentricity, meanAnomaly, meanMotion, semiMajorAxis, inclination, rightAscension, argOfPerigee, t);
Debug.Log(planetPosition[0] + ", " + planetPosition[1] + ", " + planetPosition[2]);
transform.position = new Vector3(planetPosition[0], planetPosition[1], planetPosition[2]);
t += 1000;
//Debug.Log("Time: " + t);
public class KeplerianMotion { private static float muEarth = 398600.4418e+9f; private static int secsPerDay = (24 60 60);
private static float PI = 3.14159265359f; private static float deg2rad = PI / 180f; private static float wEarth = 7.29211e-5f;
public float[] GetNewPosition(float eccentricity, float meanAnomaly, float meanMotion, float semiMajorAxis, float inclination, float rightAscension, float argOfPerigee, float t)
float[] orbElements = new float[7];
float a, e, i, ra, arg, ma, mm;
float eOld;
float r;
float TA;
float F_e, dF_e, eNew;
float[] pos = new float[3];
float[] posECI = new float[3];
float[] tempPos = new float[3];
float[,] matrix = new float[3, 3];
float[] posArray = new float[3];
//DateTime satelliteEpoch = new DateTime(2015,4,20,22,45,0);
e = eccentricity;
ma = meanAnomaly * deg2rad;
mm = meanMotion * deg2rad;
a = semiMajorAxis;
i = inclination * deg2rad;
ra = rightAscension * deg2rad;
arg = argOfPerigee * deg2rad;
//DateTime tVernal = new DateTime(2015, 3, 20, 22, 45, 0);
//float t = (float)(satelliteEpoch - tVernal).TotalSeconds;
float n = mm * 2 * PI / secsPerDay;
meanAnomaly = meanAnomaly + n * t;
eOld = meanAnomaly;
// Newton Raphson formulation
F_e = eOld - e * Mathf.Sin(eOld) - meanAnomaly;
dF_e = 1 - e * Mathf.Cos(eOld);
eNew = eOld - F_e / dF_e;
//Iteration until convergence
while (Mathf.Abs(eNew - eOld) > 1e-5f)
eOld = eNew;
F_e = eOld - e * Mathf.Sin(eOld) - meanAnomaly;
dF_e = 1 - e * Mathf.Cos(eOld);
eNew = eOld - F_e / dF_e;
// Returning the out values
TA = 2 * Mathf.Atan(Mathf.Sqrt((1 + e) / (1 - e)) * Mathf.Tan(eNew / 2));
//Debug.Log("TA: " + TA);
r = a * (1 - Mathf.Pow(e, 2)) / (1 + e * Mathf.Cos(TA));
//Debug.Log("R: " + r);
posArray[0] = r * Mathf.Cos(TA);
posArray[1] = r * Mathf.Sin(TA);
posArray[2] = 0;
//Debug.Log("posArray" + posArray[0] + ", " + posArray[1] + ", " + posArray[2]);
float SR = Mathf.Sin(ra), SA = Mathf.Sin(arg), SI = Mathf.Sin(i);
float CR = Mathf.Cos(ra), CA = Mathf.Cos(arg), CI = Mathf.Cos(i);
//Debug.Log(SR + ", " + SA + ", " + SI + ", " + CR + ", " + CA + ", " + CI);
matrix[0, 0] = CR * CA - SR * SA * CI;
matrix[0, 1] = -CR * SA - SR * CA * CI;
matrix[0, 2] = SR * SI;
matrix[1, 0] = SR * CA + CR * SA * CI;
matrix[1, 1] = -SR * SA + CR * CA * CI;
matrix[1, 2] = -CR * SI;
matrix[2, 0] = SA * SI;
matrix[2, 1] = CA * SI;
matrix[2, 2] = CI;
for (int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
tempPos[ii] = tempPos[ii] + (posArray[j] * matrix[ii, j]);
//Debug.Log("tempPos: " + tempPos[ii]);
posECI[0] = tempPos[0];
posECI[1] = tempPos[2];
posECI[2] = tempPos[1];
return posECI;
float[] posECEF = new float[3];
float ang = wEarth * t;
float x = posECI[0], y = posECI[1], z = posECI[2];
posECEF[0] = x * Mathf.Cos(ang) + y * Mathf.Sin(ang);
posECEF[1] = z;
posECEF[2] = -x * Mathf.Sin(ang) + y * Mathf.Cos(ang);
return posECEF;*/
Run attached to the Debugger in Visual Studio and see where it freezes up using pause.
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