Code works in editor, but not on Android device(audio mixer)
Hey have created a script which should make a transition between two audio mixer groups and it works fine if I test it in the editor: the first groups volume decreases and the other groups volume increases. After the transition the volumes don't change in the editor, but if I run my game on my HTC One M9 the transition works and after it the first groups volume jumps to 100% although it should be 0.
The Coroutine which makes the transition is the changeChannel IEnumerator
at the bottom of the script.
If you need an example you can download, this is an example project using the code below.
Do you know why it doesn't work?
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.Audio;
public class AudioScr : MonoBehaviour {
public AudioMixer masterMixer;
public float changeMusicChannelTime;
private float lastPitch=0, currentPitch,currentTime,progress;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
masterMixer.SetFloat ("MmusicVol", 0);
masterMixer.SetFloat ("IGmusicVol", -50);
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
currentPitch = Time.timeScale;
if (currentPitch != lastPitch) {
masterMixer.SetFloat ("IngameMusicPitch", currentPitch);
if (currentPitch == 0 && lastPitch != 0) {
StartCoroutine (changeChannel (false));
} else if (currentPitch != 0 && lastPitch == 0) {
StartCoroutine (changeChannel (true));
lastPitch = currentPitch;
public void changeChannelTimeAdjust(float newTime){
changeMusicChannelTime = newTime * 5+0.1f;
public void SetEffectVolume(float effectVol){
if (effectVol != 0) {
effectVol = 20 * Mathf.Log10 (effectVol);
} else {
effectVol = -50;
masterMixer.SetFloat ("effectVolume", effectVol);
public void SetMusicVolume(float musicVol){
if (musicVol != 0) {
musicVol = 20 * Mathf.Log10 (musicVol);
} else {
musicVol = -50;
masterMixer.SetFloat ("musicVolume", musicVol);
IEnumerator changeChannel(bool purpose){
Debug.Log ("Start channel switch: "+purpose);
currentTime += Time.unscaledDeltaTime;
progress = currentTime / changeMusicChannelTime;
if (purpose) {
//from Menue to Ingame
float MmusicVol = 20 * Mathf.Log10 (1-progress);
float IGmusicVol = 20 * Mathf.Log10 (progress);
if (progress == 0) {
IGmusicVol = -50;
} else if (progress == 1) {
MmusicVol = -50;
masterMixer.SetFloat ("MmusicVol", MmusicVol);
masterMixer.SetFloat ("IGmusicVol", IGmusicVol);
} else {
//from Ingame to Menue
float MmusicVol = 20 * Mathf.Log10 (progress);
float IGmusicVol = 20 * Mathf.Log10 (1 - progress);
if (progress == 0) {
MmusicVol = -50;
}else if (progress == 1) {
IGmusicVol = -50;
masterMixer.SetFloat ("MmusicVol", MmusicVol);
masterMixer.SetFloat ("IGmusicVol", IGmusicVol);
yield return null;
}while (progress < 1);
progress = 0;
currentTime = 0;
Answer by El__Nacho · May 18, 2016 at 06:04 PM
Oh I found a solution :D In line 68 and 80 I was using the progress==1
condition, so if the value wasn't exactly 1 the code wouldn't work. The volume dropped below -80dB and the editor has handled it for some reason but my phone hasn't and reseted it to 0dB. Now I have replaced it by progress>=1
and it works.