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Assigning scriptable objects to dictionary through array?
Hello. I am trying to create a shop system where the shop updates its inventory with new items whenever the player buys a few. I think that, in order to do this, the shop system would need access to a class that had a list of the items it could add to the store.
I use scriptable objects to store the data of different items. I would like to store these scriptable objects within a dictionary so I can just reference them by name. In the shop system, I would have an algorithm that determines which item to instantiate, find the scriptable object in the dictionary, make a copy of it, assign it to an item prefab, instantiate that item prefab, and put the prefab in the shop based on what was bought. There is not a way to make dictionaries visible in the editor, so I can just use serialize field and drop all the scriptable objects I want in the dictionary. That leads to my main question.
Main Question; Would I have to store the scriptable objects in an array first then send them to the dictionary? Is there a better way to handle updating a stores items that I haven't thought of? Any suggestions on how to solve the dictionary issue or on a better way of updating the shop will be greatly appreciated.
Example Scriptable Object of Item
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "New Base Item", menuName = "Items/Base Item")]
public class BaseItem : ScriptableObject
public enum ItemType
private ItemType type;
//there is already a default variabe for name in Unity, so you must declare a new name in order to change its value
new private string name = "Base Item";
private Sprite icon = null;
private bool isDefaultItem = false;
[SerializeField] [TextArea(15,20)]
private string itemDescription = null;
public string Name { get => name; }
public Sprite Icon { get => icon; }
public bool IsDefaultItem { get => isDefaultItem; }
public string ItemDescription { get => itemDescription; }
public ItemType Type { get => type; set => type = value; }
public virtual void Use()
Class the Shop System would refer to when updating it's store. There are several dictionaries in the class based on the type of scriptable object item.
public class ItemTypesCollections
//Should scriptable objects be store in arrays here, then assigned to dictionaries?
private Dictionary<string, OneUseItem> oneUseClothingDic = new Dictionary<string, OneUseItem>();
private Dictionary<string, OneUseItem> oneUseFoodDic = new Dictionary<string, OneUseItem>();
private Dictionary<string, OneUseItem> oneUseMiscDic = new Dictionary<string, OneUseItem>();
private Dictionary<string, OneUseItem> oneUseSexDic = new Dictionary<string, OneUseItem>();
private Dictionary<string, EquippableItem> equippableClothingDic = new Dictionary<string, EquippableItem>();
private Dictionary<string, EquippableItem> equibbalbeWeaponsDic = new Dictionary<string, EquippableItem>();
private Dictionary<string, EquippableItem> equibbableSexDic = new Dictionary<string, EquippableItem>();