Question by
destro22 · Mar 28, 2020 at 08:28 AM ·
Why is laptop Touchpad two finger scolling not working on scrollrect in unity game?
I have a scrollrect in my 2d game which is scrolling to end properly using mouse scroll wheel both in editor and build player but touchpad two-finger scrolling is not scrolling.
I checked the current event type for both scroll wheel and touchpad two-finger scrolling.. both of them returns in the log "Mouse Scrollwheel" and delta changes are also visible but no scrolling on scrollrect.
Everywhere else in my Win 10 x64 laptop scrolling with touchpad works except in Unity game.
How am I supposed to get touchpad two-finger vertical scrolling to work in Unity as well?
I am using Unity 2018.4.9f1