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How can I let a VR player walk up walls using Oculus' OVR Camera rig?
Oculus VR player prefab
I'm having issues with rotating Oculus' OVRCameraRig around the x & z axes. An example use case for this would be walking up walls, but I'm actually looking to do something slightly different.
But any time I rotate around the OVR player around the x & Z axes, it instantly resets x & Z rotation back to 0. I've already unchecked HMD rotates player in SimpleCapsuleWithStickMovement, and I can't see anywhere else which resets the OVR player X & Z rotations to 0 in the oculus library code.
Thanks in advance
Did you ever find a Solution to this?,Did you ever find a solution to this?
I would assume the solution is just to move something higher up the rig, Like moving the Playspace object as a whole
For sure I tried rotating whatever the root object of the OVR Camera rig, is with no success. Yet, I'm not 100% certain that I experimented with parenting the camera rig and rotating that parent. So, that may be worth looking into. Although I would be embarrassed if I hadn't tried that.
At the time, the solution I came up with was to inversely rotate the entire environment around the user. I'm sure there is a better solution, so I would reccomend trying to find that first. But, this was fine for the project at the time, since the environments were small with few objects. And the environment's rotation was very smooth, so it didn't cause any motion sickness.
And Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK) definitely allows player translation, I haven't tried rotating the MRTK playspace, but a cleaner solution may be available with that tool.