Question by
NovelJonathan · Jan 27, 2020 at 10:22 AM ·
Difference in friction between objects with Rigidbody and without
Hey guys, Have a strange issue.
I have a ball in space, with a few walls and a few paddles. The paddles have rigidbody objects attached, but the walls do not. The walls, paddle and ball all have Physics Materials (set to .6, .6, and multipy)
The walls operate perfectly, the ball bounces and spins realistically. The paddle however does not. Whenever the ball collides with it, it bounces predictably, but the rotation of the ball is unaffected. I've changed all settings with friction between the two, but no luck.
Can someone tell me why the paddle with a Rigidbody doesn't seem to have the same friction as the non-rigidbody walls?
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