Question by
madferretdd · Oct 16, 2020 at 08:13 AM ·
Firebase List Users
Hi, im new to using firebase and im struggling to create a list of users and their scores,
so far i have a register/login screen which works great and takes you to a new scene (gamescene), where there is a button which adds +1 to the database and also updates a Text gameobject with your username and score.
but it only brings up the username and score of who is logged in and i want it to show all usernames and scores in the database.
database: Game -Users --Dave ---Score:11 --Lee ---Score:19
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using Firebase;
using Firebase.Database;
using Firebase.Unity.Editor;
using Firebase.Auth;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public class AuthManager : MonoBehaviour
//Firebase variables
public DependencyStatus dependencyStatus;
public FirebaseAuth auth;
public FirebaseUser User;
//DatabaseReference reference;
//Login variables
public TMP_InputField emailLoginField;
public TMP_InputField passwordLoginField;
public TMP_Text warningLoginText;
public TMP_Text confirmLoginText;
//Register variables
public TMP_InputField usernameRegisterField;
public TMP_InputField emailRegisterField;
public TMP_InputField passwordRegisterField;
public TMP_InputField passwordRegisterVerifyField;
public TMP_Text warningRegisterText;
public Text LoadedText;
DatabaseReference reference;
public int Score = 0;
private GameObject UIMan;
//private FirebaseApp app;
void Awake()
Firebase.FirebaseApp.CheckAndFixDependenciesAsync().ContinueWith(task => {
dependencyStatus = task.Result;
if (dependencyStatus == Firebase.DependencyStatus.Available)
// Create and hold a reference to your FirebaseApp,
// where app is a Firebase.FirebaseApp property of your application class.
FirebaseApp app = Firebase.FirebaseApp.DefaultInstance;
// Set a flag here to indicate whether Firebase is ready to use by your app.
Debug.LogError("Could not resolve all Firebase dependencies: " + dependencyStatus);
// Firebase Unity SDK is not safe to use here.
void Start()
private void InitializeFirebase()
Debug.Log("Setting up Firebase Auth");
//Set the authentication instance object
auth = FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance;
reference = FirebaseDatabase.DefaultInstance.RootReference;
//Function for the login button
public void LoginButton()
//Call the login coroutine passing the email and password
StartCoroutine(Login(emailLoginField.text, passwordLoginField.text));
//Function for the register button
public void RegisterButton()
//Call the register coroutine passing the email, password, and username
StartCoroutine(Register(emailRegisterField.text, passwordRegisterField.text, usernameRegisterField.text));
private IEnumerator Login(string _email, string _password)
//Call the Firebase auth signin function passing the email and password
var LoginTask = auth.SignInWithEmailAndPasswordAsync(_email, _password);
//Wait until the task completes
yield return new WaitUntil(predicate: () => LoginTask.IsCompleted);
if (LoginTask.Exception != null)
//If there are errors handle them
Debug.LogWarning(message: $"Failed to register task with {LoginTask.Exception}");
FirebaseException firebaseEx = LoginTask.Exception.GetBaseException() as FirebaseException;
AuthError errorCode = (AuthError)firebaseEx.ErrorCode;
string message = "Login Failed!";
switch (errorCode)
case AuthError.MissingEmail:
message = "Missing Email";
case AuthError.MissingPassword:
message = "Missing Password";
case AuthError.WrongPassword:
message = "Wrong Password";
case AuthError.InvalidEmail:
message = "Invalid Email";
case AuthError.UserNotFound:
message = "Account does not exist";
warningLoginText.text = message;
//User is now logged in
//Now get the result
User = LoginTask.Result;
Debug.LogFormat("User signed in successfully: {0} ({1})", User.DisplayName, User.Email);
warningLoginText.text = "";
confirmLoginText.text = "Logged In";
FirebaseDatabase.DefaultInstance.GetReference("Users").OrderByChild("Score").ValueChanged += AuthManager_ValueChanged;
private IEnumerator Register(string _email, string _password, string _username)
if (_username == "")
//If the username field is blank show a warning
warningRegisterText.text = "Missing Username";
else if (passwordRegisterField.text != passwordRegisterVerifyField.text)
//If the password does not match show a warning
warningRegisterText.text = "Password Does Not Match!";
//Call the Firebase auth signin function passing the email and password
var RegisterTask = auth.CreateUserWithEmailAndPasswordAsync(_email, _password);
//Wait until the task completes
yield return new WaitUntil(predicate: () => RegisterTask.IsCompleted);
if (RegisterTask.Exception != null)
//If there are errors handle them
Debug.LogWarning(message: $"Failed to register task with {RegisterTask.Exception}");
FirebaseException firebaseEx = RegisterTask.Exception.GetBaseException() as FirebaseException;
AuthError errorCode = (AuthError)firebaseEx.ErrorCode;
string message = "Register Failed!";
switch (errorCode)
case AuthError.MissingEmail:
message = "Missing Email";
case AuthError.MissingPassword:
message = "Missing Password";
case AuthError.WeakPassword:
message = "Weak Password";
case AuthError.EmailAlreadyInUse:
message = "Email Already In Use";
warningRegisterText.text = message;
//User has now been created
//Now get the result
User = RegisterTask.Result;
if (User != null)
//Create a user profile and set the username
UserProfile profile = new UserProfile { DisplayName = _username };
//Call the Firebase auth update user profile function passing the profile with the username
var ProfileTask = User.UpdateUserProfileAsync(profile);
//Wait until the task completes
yield return new WaitUntil(predicate: () => ProfileTask.IsCompleted);
if (ProfileTask.Exception != null)
//If there are errors handle them
Debug.LogWarning(message: $"Failed to register task with {ProfileTask.Exception}");
FirebaseException firebaseEx = ProfileTask.Exception.GetBaseException() as FirebaseException;
AuthError errorCode = (AuthError)firebaseEx.ErrorCode;
warningRegisterText.text = "Username Set Failed!";
//Username is now set
//Now return to login screen
warningRegisterText.text = "";
public void Add()
public void saveData()
public void loadData()
//LoadedText = GetComponent<UIManager>().scoretxt;
UIMan = GameObject.FindWithTag("UIMan");
LoadedText = UIMan.GetComponent<UIManager>().scoretxt;
private void AuthManager_ValueChanged(object sender, ValueChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.DatabaseError != null)
//LoadScore from database
Score = int.Parse(e.Snapshot.Child(User.DisplayName).Child("Score").GetValue(true).ToString());
if (e.Snapshot != null && e.Snapshot.ChildrenCount > 0)
//Show Results in a list
foreach (var snapshot in e.Snapshot.Children)
//var uname = e.Snapshot
var uname = e.Snapshot.Child("Users").Child(User.DisplayName).Key.ToString() + ": " + e.Snapshot.Child(User.DisplayName).Child("Score").GetValue(true).ToString();
LoadedText.text = uname.ToString();