Stop the rotatePlayer with Camera
I need to explain first - I am doing this at runtime. If the character tries to walk out of the store without paying, alarms go off and you ( the player) lose control of the character as the game code makes him walk to the register to pay. The player ( you) do NOT get control back of the character until he has paid. So...for this, I DID mange to disable the rotatePlayerWith Camera functionality - I CANNOT disable the TPSCamera script entirely because I need it to follow the character - otherwise, when the character has paid , the camera makes a jarring snap from where it was disabled to where the character moved to. The PROBLEM I just discovered, is that it all works fine unless during this period of game control and the rotatePlyerWithCamera funtionality is OFF - that it magically turns itself ON if the player (you) press the "W" or the "S" key. have NO IDEA why and it is driving me crazy. I have no code written to do this - all my code is to STOP it from happening. Any ideas on this? Why is it happening?I even tried putting the horizontal turn speed to zero but the player still rotates to where the camera was aiming when rotateWIthPlayer was turned off