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BlendShapes with animations from Blender
I'm trying to understand how animations with BlendShapes work in Unity and Blender. I'm using Unity 5.1.1f1 and Blender 2.74.
I have a simple dancing cube with 1 animation and 2 BlendShapes. The BlendShapes are working well until I turn on the animator component. Then only the animation is played and the BlendShapes are completely ignored.
I have the following code controlling the cube.
using UnityEngine;
public class CubeController : MonoBehaviour {
Animator animator;
private SkinnedMeshRenderer skinnedMeshRenderer;
private Mesh skinnedMesh;
int blendShapeCount = 0;
private MeshCollider meshCollider;
[SerializeField] GameObject cube;
[SerializeField][Range(0, 1)] float size;
[SerializeField][Range(0, 1)] float deformation;
void Awake()
animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
// Using BlendShapes
skinnedMeshRenderer = cube.GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
skinnedMesh = skinnedMeshRenderer.sharedMesh;
meshCollider = GetComponent<MeshCollider>();
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
blendShapeCount = skinnedMesh.blendShapeCount;
Debug.Log("blendshape count: " + blendShapeCount);
if (blendShapeCount == 2)
skinnedMeshRenderer.SetBlendShapeWeight(0, size * 100);
skinnedMeshRenderer.SetBlendShapeWeight(1, deformation * 100);
meshCollider.sharedMesh = skinnedMesh;
Here you have the exported dancing cube .fbx: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3ELWKyJ3vaOU0oxeXhWTFBXdEU/view?usp=sharing
Are BlendShapes with animations supported?
Answer by Ionthas · Jul 14, 2015 at 07:06 AM
I found the error.
I have the following structure with two GameObjects imported directly from Blender: blendShapeTest and chest2.
If you have the Blender Mesh named as Cube (default from Blender if you used a cube as a seed shape) then it doesn't work. If you rename it to something else animations and BlendShapes work like a charm.