Question by
Cody8598 · Jan 27, 2019 at 06:43 PM ·
c#inputracing gamehovercraftwipeout
Implementing Airbrake mechanics like in Wipeout/BallisticNG,Implementing airbraking for a Wipeout/FZero style game
I'm currently trying to build a racing game similar to Wipeout/BallistNG and FZero. I've already got the hover and propulsion physics set up. I apply the hover force by raycasting from 1-4 position down and finding the normal of the ground so the car sticks to it, and then the script finds out how much Force is needed to push the car up to the ideal height. And turning is implemented by adding torque to the vehicle.
Now my problem the last few weeks is that I can't find any explanation on how airbraking was done in those titles mentioned above, and I can't figure out how to implement it.
Any help or even push into the right direction would be greatly appreciated!