Unity 5.4.0f2 rendering 3ds max bones for some reason
Hi - I'm importing a character as t-pose, rigged with 3ds max bone tools - for some reason when I import my character, Unity is putting a mesh renderer on all the bones (AND creating a material called NO NAME and putting it on the bones) I've tried exporting with FBX versions 2009 through 2016
When I import the character, MTL_skin renders fine, but MTL_clothes comes in ghosted - almost like the normals are messed up or something (the normals are not messed up, it's just not rendering properly) ** This happens only when I import the model with mesh + bones. If I import the body and clothes objects without bones, they render fine.
I'm assuming this is because of the No Name material or whatever, idk, I've never seen this in Unity b4... Any insight into what's going on would be crazy helpful. I'm very tired : |