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What's stopping 'WaitForSeconds' from working?
I have the script with the coroutine:
float maxDuration = 0.5f;
public IEnumerator slowDown = null;
float countdown = 0;
public IEnumerator SlowTime(float scale, float dur){
if(dur > maxDuration){
dur = maxDuration;
if(dur < 0){
dur = 0.001f;
countdown = 0;
Time.timeScale = scale;
Debug.LogWarning("Scale: " + Time.timeScale + " - Duration: " + dur);
yield return new WaitForSeconds(dur * Time.timeScale);
Time.timeScale = 1;
and the script setting it ( where The final "Slow" function is probably the most relevant.):
bool meleeDeflectionEnabled;
bool projectileDeflectionEnabled;
bool spellDeflectionEnabled;
GameObject player = null;
States playerState;
GameObject enemy = null;
public Vector3 deflectDirection;
float distance = 1.5f;
GameObject instancePrefab;
float timeScale = 0.1f;
float slowDuration = 0.5f;
TimeControl timeControl;
void Start(){
instancePrefab = Resources.Load("DeflectionTarget",typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject;
player = transform.parent.gameObject;
//deflectDirection = player.GetComponent<CombatInput>().direction;
playerState = player.GetComponent<States>();
timeControl = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Vital").GetComponent<TimeControl>();
//This part is going to be called immediately, and only once, when something enters. I'm going to have to apply this script through script because of that...
//since I can't .enabled = false the OnTriggerEnter part, only updates, which aren't in use.
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider attack){
//if player is deflecting and if collider is attack,
void CheckAttack(Collider attack){
if(attack.tag == "Attack"){
if( attack.GetComponent<DamageVolume>() != null){
AttackTypes attackType = attack.GetComponent<DamageVolume>().attackType;
if( attackType == AttackTypes.Melee){
enemy = attack.transform.parent.gameObject;
Deflection(attack.transform, deflectDirection);
void Deflection(Transform attack, Vector3 deflectDir){
//What does deflection mean? It means the the opponent is pushed towards a target location, and facing a certain direction.
Vector3 deflectPosition = (deflectDirection * distance) + player.transform.position;
// Instantiate(instancePrefab, deflectPosition, Quaternion.identity);
//Target location Have them both face it, and move toward it.
//should I maybe handle the movement in the enemy AI? yeah.
//where should the AI get the position data from? From the deflection volume? Sure.
enemy.GetComponent<EnemyAI>().deflectionPosition = deflectPosition;
enemy.GetComponent<EnemyAI>().deflectedTime = enemy.GetComponent<EnemyAI>().defaultDeflectTime;
//The attack is also displayed as nullified for the player.
//stop damage of all attacks in those frames.
//Get distance between attacker and target point, and have set the velocity so it happens over a set amount of seconds.
//Rotate a set amount per second. Decided the the difference in degrees.
//Get damage data and reduce the damage.
playerState.deflecting = false;
void Slow(){
//Check if stopping coroutine is necessary
if( timeControl.slowDown != null){
//Set corouting data
timeControl.slowDown = timeControl.SlowTime(timeScale, slowDuration);
//start the coroutine
//Set buffers.
timeScale *= 2;
slowDuration *= 0.6f;
I'm extremely confused as to what's happening since I get feedback that the script has been entered, but slowdown doesn't always happen in a similar script - but this one in particular only slows down, and doesn't recover, as if the " yield return new WaitForSeconds(dur * Time.timeScale);" line either never starts or never resolves.
Answer by Grievemourne · Aug 12, 2015 at 06:55 PM
Answering my own question: I thought I got around the code getting killed when the script was destroyed , but I was calling the StartCoroutine in the script that was getting destroyed, (by using StartCoroutine(timeControl.slowDown);) instead of the TimeControl script ( with timeControl.StartCoroutine(timeControl.slowDown);)