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Save state of sprite between scene switching
I've been trying to solve this bug for a while now where I have a sprite that transitions into a different image on a mouse click. However I am unable to save the state of this sprite in between scene changes.
I tried using the singleton pattern but couldn't wrap my head around implementing it properly. Basically what I'm trying to do is to use a static boolean to make sure if the sprite transition has been called. If so then I would like to save the 'state' of that sprite and upon reloading the scene, destroy the original one that is being created with the new instance of the scene.
Destroying the gameobject is found in the last few line of this snippet, within the awake method.
Button[] clueButton;
Texture2D spriteTexture;
Sprite clueSprite;
List<Clue> clueList;
List<Level> levelList;
private Text textTest;
private Sprite[] testSprites;
SpriteRenderer sprite;
private static bool create = false;
void Start () {
Debug.Log ("Start running");
updateCoinText ();
clueList = new List<Clue> ();
testSprites = Resources.LoadAll<Sprite> ("UI Sprites/numbers");
sprite = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("clue1").GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
Clue clue1 = new Clue (10, sprite, testSprites[4], clueButton [0]);
clueList.Add (clue1);
SpriteRenderer sprite2 = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("clue2").GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
Clue clue2 = new Clue (10, sprite2, testSprites[4], clueButton [1]);
clueList.Add (clue2);
levelList = new List<Level> ();
Level level1 = new Level (19, "minigame_1");
levelList.Add (level1);
private void Awake(){
textTest = GameObject.Find ("AmountOfCoinText").GetComponent<Text> ();
clueButton = GameObject.Find ("Canvas").GetComponentsInChildren<Button>();
print (Coin.getCoinScore ());
Debug.Log ("Awake running");
if (create) {
Destroy (this.sprite);
Saving the state is done with a onClick method that implements the following:
private void saveSprite(){
if (!create) {
Debug.Log ("Save");
DontDestroyOnLoad (this.sprite);
create = true;
So the problem as of right now is that nothing is being destroyed. I tried destroying the gameobject using FindGameObjectWithTag which resulted in the old 'saved' sprite being destroyed.
Any ideas?