Collider Issue
Hello guys! Im having some problems with a bubble shooter game im making, for some reason my falling ball is colliding with the shooting ball. They both have rigidbodies, both have box & circle colliders, ive tried to use Physics.IgnoreCollision and all of those type of commands and cant seem to get any to work. I have also used the collision matrix and tried unchecking my falling ball layer/Ball later to see if it would change the out come but still can not get it. I was able to make the circlecollider on the falling ball smaller so it has a less chance of colliding with the shooting ball but can not get it to work. I you guys have any ideas or test scripts to try that might help that would be wonderful! I would take any help. Also if you need any info on the scripts or layers please just let me know i am willing to try anything to get this to work.
This is usually accomplished via the physics settings collision matrix. $$anonymous$$ake sure you're setting the Physics 2D settings. For further help please show us some screenshots of the Physics Settings and the inspectors for the falling ball and ball. Also make sure children are using the same layers.