Segfault 11 on unity's Macho x86_64 executable file, what compiler and assembler does unity use for this specific case?
I have a MacBook Pro 2012, using macOS Sierra v 10.12.6, I installed Unity and it doesn't launch. It crashes due to a segmentation fault.
I opened terminal, went through the contents of the to find the actual Mach-O x86_64 executable file for the Unity app, and tried opening it from there. It logs the segfault error after exiting so the issue is surely to do with this executable.
I've googled this for quite some time, never got a good answer as it could be anything, I need to actually run a debugger on it but I've never done that before. What compiler and assembler does Unity use for making Mach-O x86_64 executable files?
How can I get this executable into the original assembly code or C/C++/whatever code, or what debugger should I use?
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