How to get my character to move after reset level?
I have it so that my level reloads when the player hits "Play Again". Reloading the level was simple but I have a character that only moves on "gameisplaying = true". I already made it so that "loadlevel1" is hooked up to the play again button as well as having my gamehasstarted(this is what calls the character to move) function on it too. I suppose reloading the level overlaps the gamehasstarted function and causes the code to not receive the message. I apologize in advanced if their is an easy answer to this but I am still new to coding. Here is my playagain code: void PlayAgain(){ Debug.Log ("play again button pressed"); PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("reloaded", 1); //Application.LoadLevel ("LEVEL_1"); SceneManager.LoadScene("LEVEL_1"); }