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Interop Kinect FaceTracking FT_SENSOR_DATA
MY problem is, I am migrating Kinect Face Tracking to C#, but my requirements are a bit specific as I'm porting this to Unity, which doesn't allow .NET Framework 4.0 (only 3.5) and does not allow [ComImport] tag. This being said, what I did, and it work for EVERY method beside when I use FT_SENSOR_DATA, is to manually marshal the interface using virtual function tables and delegate to function pointer calls to create the interfaces in C# side.
Everything works fine, I can initialize the library, can call everything, initiate all interfaces correctly, but when I call the startTracking method, it fails, crashing everything. I narrowed it being the FT_SENSOR_DATA structure as if I pass null to it, I get a E_POINTER error from C++.
The C++ Call to StartTracking and the C++ Structure for FT_SENSOR_DATA is:
STDMETHOD(StartTracking)(THIS_ const FT_SENSOR_DATA* pSensorData, const RECT* pRoi, const FT_VECTOR3D headPoints[2], IFTResult* pFTResult) PURE;
#ifdef __cplusplus
FT_SENSOR_DATA(IFTImage* pVideoFrameParam = NULL, IFTImage* pDepthFrameParam = NULL, FLOAT zoomFactorParam = 1.0f, const POINT* pViewOffsetParam = NULL)
: pVideoFrame(pVideoFrameParam), pDepthFrame(pDepthFrameParam), ZoomFactor(zoomFactorParam)
ViewOffset.x = pViewOffsetParam ? pViewOffsetParam->x : 0;
ViewOffset.y = pViewOffsetParam ? pViewOffsetParam->y : 0;
IFTImage* pVideoFrame; // a pointer to a video frame. Must be synchronized with the depth frame passed in the same structure.
IFTImage* pDepthFrame; // a pointer to a depth frame. Must be synchronized with the video frame passed in the same structure.
FLOAT ZoomFactor; // camera’s zoom factor for the video frame (value 1.0f means - no zoom is used)
POINT ViewOffset; // the left, top coordinates of the video frame view area read from the camera’s native frame (which may have a higher resolution than what is returned to a PC).
IFTImage a the COM interface.
I Marshalled IFTFaceTracker (which contains the StartTracking method), the IFTImage and the FT_SENSOR_DATA as follows:
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public class IFTFaceTracker { public struct IFTFaceTrackerVtbl { public IntPtr QueryInterface; public IntPtr AddRef; public IntPtr Release; public IntPtr Initialize; public IntPtr Reset; public IntPtr CreateFTResult; public IntPtr SetShapeUnits; public IntPtr GetShapeUnits; public IntPtr SetShapeComputationState; public IntPtr GetShapeComputationState; public IntPtr GetFaceModel; public IntPtr StartTracking; public IntPtr ContinueTracking; public IntPtr DetectFaces; }
// Delegates Declaration
private delegate int InitializeDelegate(IntPtr This, IntPtr pVideoCameraConfig, IntPtr pDepthCameraConfig, IntPtr depthToColorMappingFunc, string pszModelPath);
private delegate int ResetDelegate(IntPtr This);
private delegate int CreateFTResultDelegate(IntPtr This, ref IntPtr ppFTResult);
private delegate int SetShapeUnitsDelegate(IntPtr This, float headScale, float[] pSUCoefs, uint suCount);
private delegate int GetShapeUnitsDelegate(IntPtr This, ref float pHeadScale, ref float[] ppSUCoefs, ref uint pSUCount, ref bool pHaveConverged);
private delegate int SetShapeComputationStateDelegate(IntPtr This, bool isEnabled);
private delegate int GetShapeComputationStateDelegate(IntPtr This, ref bool pIsEnabled);
private delegate int GetFaceModelDelegate(IntPtr This, ref IntPtr ppModel);
private delegate int StartTrackingDelegate(IntPtr This, FT_SENSOR_DATA pSensorData, RECT pRoi, FT_VECTOR3D[] headPoints, ref IntPtr pFTResult);
private delegate int ContinueTrackingDelegate(IntPtr This, FT_SENSOR_DATA pSensorData, FT_VECTOR3D[] headPoints, ref IntPtr pFTResult);
private delegate int DetectFacesDelegate(IntPtr This, FT_SENSOR_DATA pSensorData, RECT pRoi, ref FT_WEIGHTED_RECT pFaces, ref uint pFaceCount);
// Private variables
private Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.IFTFaceTrackerVtbl vtbl;
private IntPtr p;
// Delegates Call
private Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.InitializeDelegate initialize;
private Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.ResetDelegate reset;
private Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.CreateFTResultDelegate createFTResult;
private Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.SetShapeUnitsDelegate setShapeUnits;
private Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.GetShapeUnitsDelegate getShapeUnits;
private Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.SetShapeComputationStateDelegate setShapeComputationState;
private Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.GetShapeComputationStateDelegate getShapeComputationState;
private Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.GetFaceModelDelegate getFaceModel;
private Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.StartTrackingDelegate startTracking;
private Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.ContinueTrackingDelegate continueTracking;
private Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.DetectFacesDelegate detectFaces;
// Constructor
public IFTFaceTracker(IntPtr p)
this.p = p;
IntPtr ptr = (IntPtr)Marshal.PtrToStructure(p, typeof(IntPtr));
this.vtbl = (Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.IFTFaceTrackerVtbl)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.IFTFaceTrackerVtbl));
this.initialize = (Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.InitializeDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(this.vtbl.Initialize, typeof(Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.InitializeDelegate));
this.reset = (Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.ResetDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(this.vtbl.Reset, typeof(Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.ResetDelegate));
this.createFTResult = (Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.CreateFTResultDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(this.vtbl.CreateFTResult, typeof(Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.CreateFTResultDelegate));
this.setShapeUnits = (Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.SetShapeUnitsDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(this.vtbl.SetShapeUnits, typeof(Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.SetShapeUnitsDelegate));
this.getShapeUnits = (Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.GetShapeUnitsDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(this.vtbl.GetShapeUnits, typeof(Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.GetShapeUnitsDelegate));
this.setShapeComputationState = (Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.SetShapeComputationStateDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(this.vtbl.SetShapeComputationState, typeof(Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.SetShapeComputationStateDelegate));
this.getShapeComputationState = (Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.GetShapeComputationStateDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(this.vtbl.GetShapeComputationState, typeof(Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.GetShapeComputationStateDelegate));
this.getFaceModel = (Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.GetFaceModelDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(this.vtbl.GetFaceModel, typeof(Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.GetFaceModelDelegate));
this.startTracking = (Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.StartTrackingDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(this.vtbl.StartTracking, typeof(Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.StartTrackingDelegate));
this.continueTracking = (Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.ContinueTrackingDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(this.vtbl.ContinueTracking, typeof(Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.ContinueTrackingDelegate));
this.detectFaces = (Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.DetectFacesDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(this.vtbl.DetectFaces, typeof(Kinect.IFTFaceTracker.DetectFacesDelegate));
// Properties
public IntPtr pointer
return this.p;
// Method Call
public int Initialize(FT_CAMERA_CONFIG pVideoCameraConfig, FT_CAMERA_CONFIG pDepthCameraConfig, Delegate depthToColorMappingFunc, string pszModelPath)
IntPtr videoptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(pVideoCameraConfig));
IntPtr depthptr = IntPtr.Zero;
if (pDepthCameraConfig != null) depthptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(pDepthCameraConfig));
Marshal.StructureToPtr(pVideoCameraConfig, videoptr, false);
if (pDepthCameraConfig != null) Marshal.StructureToPtr(pDepthCameraConfig, depthptr, false);
if (depthToColorMappingFunc != null)
IntPtr delegatePointer = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(depthToColorMappingFunc);
return this.initialize(this.p, videoptr, depthptr, delegatePointer, pszModelPath);
return this.initialize(this.p, videoptr, depthptr, IntPtr.Zero, pszModelPath);
public int Reset()
return this.reset(this.p);
public int CreateFTResult(ref IFTResult ppFTResult)
IntPtr ftResultPointer = IntPtr.Zero;
int result = this.createFTResult(this.p, ref ftResultPointer);
ppFTResult = new IFTResult(ftResultPointer);
return result;
public int SetShapeUnits(float headScale, float[] pSUCoefs, uint suCount)
return this.setShapeUnits(this.p, headScale, pSUCoefs, suCount);
public int GetShapeUnits(ref float pHeadScale, ref float[] ppSUCoefs, ref uint pSUCount, ref bool pHaveConverged)
return this.getShapeUnits(this.p, ref pHeadScale, ref ppSUCoefs, ref pSUCount, ref pHaveConverged);
public int SetShapeComputationState(bool isEnabled)
return this.setShapeComputationState(this.p, isEnabled);
public int GetShapeComputationState(ref bool pIsEnabled)
return this.getShapeComputationState(this.p, ref pIsEnabled);
public int GetFaceModel(ref IFTModel ppModel)
IntPtr ftModelPointer = IntPtr.Zero;
int result = this.getFaceModel(this.p, ref ftModelPointer);
ppModel = new IFTModel(ftModelPointer);
return result;
public int StartTracking(ref FT_SENSOR_DATA pSensorData, RECT pRoi, FT_VECTOR3D[] headPoints, ref IFTResult pFTResult)
//IntPtr ftResultPointer = pFTResult.pointer;
IntPtr psensorptr = IntPtr.Zero;
//IntPtr dataptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(pSensorData));
//Marshal.StructureToPtr(pSensorData, dataptr, false);
int result = this.startTracking(this.p, pSensorData, null, null, ref psensorptr);
//pFTResult = new IFTResult(psensorptr);
return result;
public int ContinueTracking(FT_SENSOR_DATA pSensorData, FT_VECTOR3D[] headPoints, ref IFTResult pFTResult)
IntPtr ftResultPointer = pFTResult.pointer;
int result = this.continueTracking(this.p, pSensorData, headPoints, ref ftResultPointer);
pFTResult = new IFTResult(ftResultPointer);
return result;
public int DetectFaces(FT_SENSOR_DATA pSensorData, RECT pRoi, ref FT_WEIGHTED_RECT pFaces, ref uint pFaceCount)
return this.detectFaces(this.p, pSensorData, pRoi, ref pFaces, ref pFaceCount);
public class IFTImage
public struct IFTImageVtbl
public IntPtr QueryInterface;
public IntPtr AddRef;
public IntPtr Release;
public IntPtr Allocate;
public IntPtr Attach;
public IntPtr Reset;
public IntPtr GetWidth;
public IntPtr GetHeight;
public IntPtr GetStride;
public IntPtr GetBytesPerPixel;
public IntPtr GetBufferSize;
public IntPtr GetFormat;
public IntPtr GetBuffer;
public IntPtr IsAttached;
public IntPtr CopyTo;
public IntPtr DrawLine;
// Delegates Declaration
private delegate int AllocateDelegate(IntPtr This, uint width, uint height, FTIMAGEFORMAT format);
private delegate int AttachDelegate(IntPtr This, uint width, uint height, IntPtr pData, FTIMAGEFORMAT format, uint stride); // Intptr == void*
private delegate int ResetDelegate(IntPtr This);
private delegate uint GetWidthDelegate(IntPtr This);
private delegate uint GetHeightDelegate(IntPtr This);
private delegate uint GetStrideDelegate(IntPtr This);
private delegate uint GetBytesPerPixelDelegate(IntPtr This);
private delegate uint GetBufferSizeDelegate(IntPtr This);
private delegate FTIMAGEFORMAT GetFormatDelegate(IntPtr This);
private delegate byte[] GetBufferDelegate(IntPtr This);
private delegate bool IsAttachedDelegate(IntPtr This);
private delegate int CopyToDelegate(IntPtr This, IFTImage pDestImage, RECT pSrcRect, uint destRow, uint destColumn);
private delegate int DrawLineDelegate(IntPtr This, POINT startPoint, POINT endPoint, uint color, uint lineWidthPx);
// Delegates Call
private Kinect.IFTImage.AllocateDelegate allocate;
private Kinect.IFTImage.AttachDelegate attach;
private Kinect.IFTImage.ResetDelegate reset;
private Kinect.IFTImage.GetWidthDelegate getWidth;
private Kinect.IFTImage.GetHeightDelegate getHeight;
private Kinect.IFTImage.GetStrideDelegate getStride;
private Kinect.IFTImage.GetBytesPerPixelDelegate getBytesPerPixel;
private Kinect.IFTImage.GetBufferSizeDelegate getBufferSize;
private Kinect.IFTImage.GetFormatDelegate getFormat;
private Kinect.IFTImage.GetBufferDelegate getBuffer;
private Kinect.IFTImage.IsAttachedDelegate isAttached;
private Kinect.IFTImage.CopyToDelegate copyTo;
private Kinect.IFTImage.DrawLineDelegate drawLine;
// Private variables
private Kinect.IFTImage.IFTImageVtbl vtbl;
private IntPtr p;
private IntPtr vtblp;
// Properties Implementation
#region Properties
public uint GetWidth
return this.getWidth(this.p);
public uint GetHeight
return this.getHeight(this.p);
public uint GetStride
return this.getStride(this.p);
public uint GetBytesPerPixel
return this.getBytesPerPixel(this.p);
public uint GetBufferSize
return this.getBufferSize(this.p);
public FTIMAGEFORMAT GetFormat
return this.getFormat(this.p);
public byte[] GetBuffer
return this.getBuffer(this.p);
public bool IsAttached
return this.isAttached(this.p);
public IntPtr pointer
return this.p;
public IntPtr VtblPointer
return this.vtblp;
// Constructor
public IFTImage(IntPtr p)
this.p = p;
IntPtr ptr = (IntPtr)Marshal.PtrToStructure(p, typeof(IntPtr));
vtblp = ptr;
this.vtbl = (Kinect.IFTImage.IFTImageVtbl)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(Kinect.IFTImage.IFTImageVtbl));
this.allocate = (Kinect.IFTImage.AllocateDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(this.vtbl.Allocate, typeof(Kinect.IFTImage.AllocateDelegate));
this.attach = (Kinect.IFTImage.AttachDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(this.vtbl.Attach, typeof(Kinect.IFTImage.AttachDelegate));
this.reset = (Kinect.IFTImage.ResetDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(this.vtbl.Reset, typeof(Kinect.IFTImage.ResetDelegate));
this.getWidth = (Kinect.IFTImage.GetWidthDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(this.vtbl.GetWidth, typeof(Kinect.IFTImage.GetWidthDelegate));
this.getHeight = (Kinect.IFTImage.GetHeightDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(this.vtbl.GetHeight, typeof(Kinect.IFTImage.GetHeightDelegate));
this.getStride = (Kinect.IFTImage.GetStrideDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(this.vtbl.GetStride, typeof(Kinect.IFTImage.GetStrideDelegate));
this.getBytesPerPixel = (Kinect.IFTImage.GetBytesPerPixelDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(this.vtbl.GetBytesPerPixel, typeof(Kinect.IFTImage.GetBytesPerPixelDelegate));
this.getBufferSize = (Kinect.IFTImage.GetBufferSizeDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(this.vtbl.GetBufferSize, typeof(Kinect.IFTImage.GetBufferSizeDelegate));
this.getFormat = (Kinect.IFTImage.GetFormatDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(this.vtbl.GetFormat, typeof(Kinect.IFTImage.GetFormatDelegate));
this.getBuffer = (Kinect.IFTImage.GetBufferDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(this.vtbl.GetBuffer, typeof(Kinect.IFTImage.GetBufferDelegate));
this.isAttached = (Kinect.IFTImage.IsAttachedDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(this.vtbl.IsAttached, typeof(Kinect.IFTImage.IsAttachedDelegate));
this.copyTo = (Kinect.IFTImage.CopyToDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(this.vtbl.CopyTo, typeof(Kinect.IFTImage.CopyToDelegate));
this.drawLine = (Kinect.IFTImage.DrawLineDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(this.vtbl.DrawLine, typeof(Kinect.IFTImage.DrawLineDelegate));
// Method Call
public int Allocate(uint width, uint height, FTIMAGEFORMAT format)
return this.allocate(this.p, width, height, format);
public int Attach(uint width, uint height, IntPtr pData, FTIMAGEFORMAT format, uint stride)
return this.attach(this.p, width, height, pData, format, stride);
public int Reset()
return this.reset(this.p);
public int CopyTo(IFTImage pDestImage, RECT pSrcRect, uint destRow, uint destColumn)
return this.copyTo(this.p, pDestImage, pSrcRect, destRow, destColumn);
public int DrawLine(POINT startPoint, POINT endPoint, uint color, uint lineWidthPx)
return this.drawLine(this.p, startPoint, endPoint, color, lineWidthPx);
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public class FT_SENSOR_DATA { public IFTImage pVideoFrame; // a pointer to a video frame. Must be synchronized with the depth frame passed in the same structure. public IFTImage pDepthFrame; // a pointer to a depth frame. Must be synchronized with the video frame passed in the same structure. public float ZoomFactor; // camera’s zoom factor for the video frame (value 1.0f means - no zoom is used) public POINT ViewOffset; // the left, top coordinates of the video frame view area read from the camera’s native frame (which may have a higher resolution than what is returned to a PC). }
I tried changing the IFTImage and POINT in the FT_SENSOR_DATA structures to IntPtr and pass the pointer given to me when the interface is created, but to no avail.
Anyone has any idea on how can I marshal it so I can call startTracking successfully, without crashes?
Thanks a lot,
Answer by X-FOTE-X · Jul 03, 2013 at 09:40 PM
HI, I'm not this post is quite old, but Im working on the samething.
So i was wondering if you got this to work already.
Without being as good as good as you, and following the SDK example, I manage to have something tracking, but struggling to return RGB images as texture.
So can we look into this?
Answer by zharramadar · Jul 03, 2013 at 11:23 PM
I had to abandon this approach, as it proved IMPOSSIBLE to do in Unity's current state. Maybe when their Mono start accepting .NET Framework 4.0??
Anyway, do not despair, because everything else BUT face tracking works in this way, and it is not too hard. I would strongly recommend you buying something like ZigFu if you need only color, depth and skeleton. If you require face as well, as it was in my case, forget Unity, do an external app to process everything and send all the processed data to Unity via sockets. It is the only way for faces. Also, you'll face SEVERAL problems trying to sync the Kinect initialization in the external app code to your game loop, but that's another chapter.
If you want to delve into the obscure Windows interop, I suggest you downloading the Unity package from this article: http://wiki.etc.cmu.edu/unity3d/index.php/Microsoft_Kinect_-_Microsoft_SDK and then look at the source code, to understand how it is done (or if you're lazy, just use it =D)
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