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figured it out!
Coroutine not stopping with rotation (stuck on infinite loop).
I have a coroutine to rotate a gameobject over 1 second by 360 on the y axis when the player enters the trigger. My problem is that it doesn't just rotate once but keeps on rotating.
public class Educational_Card_PopUp : MonoBehaviour
public Image card1;
public GameObject E_card1;
void PopUP()
IEnumerator RotateOnStart(float duration)
Vector3 startRotation = transform.eulerAngles;
float endRotation = startRotation.y + 360.0f;
float t = 0.0f;
while (t < duration)
t += Time.deltaTime;
float yRotation = Mathf.Lerp(startRotation.y, endRotation, t / duration) % 360.0f;
transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(startRotation.x, yRotation, startRotation.z);
yield return null;
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
if (other.CompareTag("Player"))
card1.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(2, 2);
Using debug.log i found out my issue is the coroutine doesn't end when t > duration but instead t keeps bouncing back to 0. So the rotation never ends. Everytime t reaches more than 0 it loops back to 0 and i get an infinite rotation.
Any idea what i'm doing wrong and could someone explain it please?
Answer by The_Mean_Fiddler · Apr 21, 2021 at 04:07 AM
I guess OnTriggerEnter keeps getting called
Your right! For testing purposes i just connected the coroutine to a getkeydown in update and it works exactly how i want it to.
Is there a reason OnTriggerEnter keeps getting called? I thought it only gets called once when the player is say in the trigger. Or is that not the case.
is it cos its rotating? the collider is spinning?