Question by
Spookytooth3D · Jan 28, 2017 at 07:37 AM ·
Texture Array
I am using the following to try and access a group of 24 sequential textures that I have in the Resources folder...
for(var i=0;i<24;i++){
var myFrameNumber = (i.ToString());
var myCurrentTexture = (textureName + "." + myFrameNumber + ".png");
Texture[i] = (Resources.Load(myCurrentTexture));
In reference to the last line of code, I am getting the following error: Assets/MGS/Scripts/ClipPlayer.js(18,9): BCE0048: Type 'System.Type' does not support slicing.
I don't totally understand, but I am thinking it's having trouble with the different variable types I am using. Any help with this would be awesome.
Thanks in advance, Mike