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Memory leak on Mac Editor 4.6.x
We have experienced a lot of memory leak crashes on the Mac Editor. As far as we can tell, it is due to one or more memory leaks. By watching Activity Monitor while booting up unity, we see a constant increase in memory usage from the first time we press play and then stop. After a few repetitions of play-stop the Unity ram goes up to 2Gb and the program crashes. On our older machines the crash report does not even show.
Often when crashing, the screen stops displaying one of the textures it seems to be loading in full screen.
We have tried to debug this memory leak by deleting conspicuous shaders and add-ons, but so far we have not been able to track down exactly what causes the leak.
It is a very severe problem for our production team, so I'm writing here in the hopes that someone else has found a way to reduce the problem.