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ImageEffects and multiple camera depths
I want the HUD in my game to use the GlowEffect script/effect specifically. However, I do not want the glow effect to be applied on my main game camera. Is there anyway to exclude this from other cameras? I've been wrestling with multiple cameras, depths, etc. for a few hours now. Can't seem to find a workaround. Thanks!
Having a camera with the glow effect that only culls your text should work?? Just make sure that your text isn't culled on your main camera.
No, that still doesn't work, unfortunately. Unless there's some other settings I'm missing. $$anonymous$$y GUI camera is only set to cull the GUI layer, and my main camera has the GUI layer excluded.
Yeah, so the problem is my main camera gets the glow effect as well. I seem to have found a workaround using RenderToTexture. It would still be nice to know if the original method is possible though.
Oh, that's probably a depth problem then. I forget how you work around it, but it is solvable. Try fiddling with the depth of the two camera's.