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Current version of UI not getting Pushed in Collaborate Updates
My team and I are currently working on our capstone project in unity part of which includes creating a simple menu. The person on our team in charge of the UI has finished the menu scene and pushed the most current update, however on all computers other than his, whenever we load the update from the cloud, for some reason we are getting a menu scene that is a earlier version of his menu and not the most current update. This problem seems only to be occurring with the UI elements as all the script changes are updating appropriately. We have tried exporting the most current version of the menu scene from his pc, in a zip file and importing locally from each of our computers, but it says that all the necessary assets are already imported, i.e., the import is redundant. Lastly, we had him zip the entire updated project file and send it to us to open it locally and again this opens the project with all updated scripts, but not the updated UI. Does anybody know where this issue is stemming from or if it is a bug in the current version of unity.
Note: We are using version 2017.3.1f1 and are all collaborators in a unity organization.